What are Associate Specialties?

Store associates may have different areas of expertise. One associate could specialize in suit fittings; another could specialize in personal shopping experiences.

Tulip Appointments allows managers to assign these specialties to store associates. This enables customers to book appointments with associates who can provide the desired service.

Customers are unable to book appointments with associates who do not have the required specialty. Managers are also unable to assign appointments to store associates who do not have the required specialty.

For information about creating appointment types, see Appointment types overview.

Assigning associate specialties

Managers can assign specialties to store associates using the Appointments app.

To assign associate specialties using the Appointments App:

  1. From the home page, select > Associate Specialty.
  2. Select a store associate from the list.
  3. Select the service types that the associate specialized in.
You can select more than one service type. By default, store associates are eligible for all service types.