Customizing Tulip Appointments

What’s on this page?

The Appointments widget can be embedded on your customer-facing website to allow customers to book appointments, view appointment types, and select available stores or associates. Using the Admin Console, administrators can edit the appointment types and custom fields that are displayed to customers within the Appointments widget.

To get started customizing the contents of the Appointments widget, you need to:
  1. Create appointment categories (optional)
  2. Create custom fields
  3. Create global appointment types
  4. Assign your global appointment types to stores

You can find instructions on how to complete these steps below. To learn more about customizing the widget, refer to the Timekit Project Selector library on NPMJS.

Managing appointment categories

The Admin Console provides you with tools that allow you to create and manage appointment categories with ease.

About appointment categories

Appointment categories are groups of appointment types. Appointment categories are optional fields, however, they may be helpful in organizing your appointment types and creating a better customer experience when booking appointments via the widget.

Some examples of appointment categories could be footwear, jewelry, women’s clothing, etc.

When to use appointment categories

For retailers who have more than 10 appointment types or have large stores with multiple departments, Tulip recommends using appointment categories.

See Managing Global Appointment Types for more information.

How To: Create an appointment category
  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Manage Appointment Categories.
  5. Select Add Category.
  6. In the text box, enter a name for your new appointment category, and then select Save.
How To: Change the name of an appointment category
  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Manage Appointment Categories.
  5. Select the name of the appointment category you wish to change.
  6. In the text box, enter the desired name, and then select Save.
How To: Delete an appointment category
  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Manage Appointment Categories.
  5. Select beside the appointment category you wish to delete, and then select Save.

Managing custom fields

You can create custom fields for the Appointments widget using the Admin Console.

About custom fields

Custom fields allow you to ask additional questions to customers while they book appointments via the widget. For example, a custom field could ask for a customer’s email address, phone number, dress size or preferred beverage.

Types of custom fields:

  • Text field
  • Text field (multi-line)
  • Dropdown (single selection)
  • Checkbox
  • Checkbox group (multi-selection)
How To: Create a custom field
  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Manage Custom Fields.
  5. Select Create Custom Field.
  6. From the Select Field Type dropdown menu, select a custom field type.
  7. Fill in the Field ID, Field Label and other fields related to the field type.
  8. Indicate whether you want the custom field to be required by selecting or deselecting the Set the field as required checkbox, and then select Save.
How To: Edit a custom field
  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Manage Custom Fields.
  5. Select beside the custom field that you want to edit.
  6. Make the appropriate changes to the custom field, and then select Save.
  7. Select Save.
How To: Delete a custom field
  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Manage Custom Fields.
  5. Select beside the custom field that you want to delete, and then select Delete.

Managing global appointment types

Using the Admin Console, you can create global appointment types and assign them to stores.

About global appointment types

When customers book appointments on your website using the Appointments widget, they are prompted to choose an appointment type. An example appointment type could be a suit fitting, a personal shopping experience, or a repair.

Using the Admin Console, administrators can create and configure global appointment types that can be then assigned to stores.

Global appointment types have the following settings:

Enable/disableEnable or disable the appointment type for all stores.
Private appointmentSet the appointment type as private. Private appointment types are available through the Appointments App only.
NameThe name of the appointment type.
Description (optional)A description of the appointment type.
Appointment category (optional)Assign an appointment category to the appointment type.
Image URL (optional)Add a URL link to an image to be displayed in the Appointments widget. Tulip recommends adding an image to enhance the appearance of the widget.
Appointment lengthThe length of the appointment in minutes or hours.
Appointment gap timeThe amount of time in minutes or hours between appointments. Customers are unable to book appointments during gap times.
Upcoming availabilityHow far in advance a customer is able to book an appointment.
Custom fieldsAssign custom fields to be displayed to customers who book this appointment type.
How-To: Create global appointment types

You can create global appointment types using the Admin Console.

Tulip recommends creating appointment categories and custom fields before creating global appointment types.

Complete the steps below to create a global appointment type::

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. Select Manage > Create Appointment Type.
  5. Indicate whether you want the appointment type to be enabled by selecting or clearing the Enable this appointment type checkbox.
  6. Indicate whether you want the appointment type to be private by selecting or clearing the Set as private appointment checkbox.
  7. In the Appointment Information section, do the following:
    1. Enter a name for the appointment type.
    2. Optionally, enter a description, an image URL, and assign an appointment category. For information about appointment categories, see Managing Appointment Categories.
  8. In the Booking Availability section, set the appointment length, gap time, and upcoming availability.
  9. In the Custom Fields section, select the custom fields you would like to enable for the customer booking flow.
  10. Select Save.
How-To: Edit global appointment types

Complete the following steps to edit a global appointment type:

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. In the existing appointment card you wish to edit, select > Edit Appointment Type.
  5. In the Edit Appointment Type pane, make your desired changes.
  6. Select Save.
How-To: Enable/disable global appointment types

Complete the following steps to enable/disable a global appointment type:

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. In the existing appointment card you wish to edit, select > Edit Appointment Type.
  5. In the Edit Appointment Type pane, select or clear the **Enable this appointment type **checkbox according to your preference, and then select Save.
Assign global appointment types to stores

Once you have created global appointment types, you can assign them to stores using the Admin Console.

Complete the following steps to assign Assign global appointment types to stores:

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console .
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Select Manage Appointment Types.
  4. In the appointment card you wish to edit, select > Manage Store Assignments.
  5. Enable or disable the appointment type for your desired store by selecting or clearing the checkbox beside the store name.
  6. Select Save.

Managing store appointment types

Using the Admin Console, you can create and manage store appointment types. Store appointment types are unique to a particular store.

About store appointment types

Store appointment types are appointments that are unique to an individual store. By default, store appointment types have the same configurations as the global appointment type that was assigned to the store. Store appointment types are created by editing a global appointment type at the store level using the Admin Console.

How-To: Edit store appointment types:

Store appointment types can be edited from the Store Appointment Settings page of the Admin Console.

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Next to the store that you wish to edit the appointment type of, select > Manage Store Appointment Types.
  4. In the appointment card that you wish to edit, select .
  5. In the Edit Store Appointment Type pane, make the appropriate changes, and then select Save.

Changing store settings

Using the Admin Console, you can change store settings such as hours, room capacity, block-off dates, as well as enable or disable stores.

How-To: Edit store hours

You can set the hours of each of your stores from the Store Appointment Settings page of the Admin Console.

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Next to the store that you would like to edit the hours of, select > Edit Store Hours and Room Capacity.
  4. Select a timezone from the Choose a timezone dropdown.
  5. In the section below, enter the store hours for each day of the week.
  6. Select Save.
How-To: Edit store room capacity

Room capacity sets the maximum number of appointments that can be booked at one time for a specific appointment type. If any particular time slot has reached the capacity limit for booked appointments, the time slot will no longer be shown as an available slot during the customer booking process.

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Next to the store that you would like to edit the room capacity of, select > Edit Store Hours and Room Capacity.
  4. Enter the desired number of rooms for the store into the Store Room Capacity (1-10) text box, and then select Save.
How-To: Edit store block-off dates

Using the Admin Console, you can set block-off days during which customers will be prevented from booking appointments.

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Next to the store that you would like to edit the block-off dates of, select > Edit Block-off Dates.
  4. Select Add Block-off Days.
  5. Select the Calendar, and then select your desired block-off day.
  6. Select Save.
How-To: Enable a store

Enabling a store allows customers to book appointments for that specific store.

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Next to the store that you would like to enable, select > Enable Store.
How-To: Disable a store

Disabling a store prevents customers from booking appointments for that specific store.

  1. Log in to the Tulip Admin Console.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Connect > Appointments.
  3. Next to the store that you would like to enable, select > Disable Store.
  4. Select Disable.