Hardware Connectivity

What’s on this page?

Connect to an Adyen Payment Terminal

What you’ll need:

  • Adyen e355 Device
  • iPad / iPhone
  • Adyen test card (If testing transactions)
  • Also supported hardware -
    • Verifone e355 iPad sled

Connect App to Device using a Sled

  • Connect Adyen e355 payment device to sled with power off
  • Allow iPad to turn on device

Connect App to Device Wirelessly

  • Connect Adyen device to iPad via Bluetooth
    • Press Green Circle + 9
    • Enter admin passcode
    • Select Network
    • Select Bluetooth
    • Press Pair New Device
    • Select device from list
  • Also connect iPad & Adyen device to the same WIFI
    • Press Green Circle + 9
    • Enter admin passcode
    • Select Network
    • Select Wifi
    • Continue to connect to WIFI, or connect iPad to same WIFI as device

Connect to a Square Reader

In order to use Square payments, the following device permissions must be enabled. You will be prompted to enable these permissions the first time you attempt to use Tulip Checkout App functionality:

  • Location
  • Microphone (Required because some readers use the microphone port)
  • Camera

If any of the above permissions are denied, the transaction will automatically fail. If you have have previously denied any of the permissions listed above, you must enable them via device Settings.


It is recommended that you do not attempt to change permissions during a live transaction. Changing device permissions via device Settings often results in the device restarting the app to apply the new permissions. Any in-progress transactions will be lost.

Connect a Reader

During checkout, after you select a payment type, you are prompted to connect a reader or change the connected reader. Tap this prompt to open the Square interface to manage reader configuration.

Log into Square

The first time you make a transaction on a device with Square, you will be prompted to log in to your merchant account and allow access to connect to the merchant account. This will require the following permissions:

  • Read/Write payments (for processing payments)
  • Merchant account information read (used to fetch the setup merchant locations on the users square account).

Once logged in, you will be prompted to select a location configured in your square account to associate this device with. You must select a location or the transaction and authentication will fail.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure this feature in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Integration IDSpecify integration ID as Adyen or Square