Checkout Basic Functionality
What’s on this page?
- Create orders
- Create a mixed cart for omnichannel checkout
- Manage multiple customers in a single session
- Guest checkout
- Identified customer checkout
- Specify shipping information
- Select a payment method
- Split tender
- Issue receipts
- Available configurations
Create orders
From within the catalog, an associate is able to navigate to a sellable product, and tap Buy Now or Order for Delivery to add a product to the current shopping cart. As items are added to the cart, a running total of products are shown in the collapsed Mini Cart on the bottom right hand side of the screen.

The mini cart can be opened by tapping on it, and can be collapsed by tapping on the caret located at the top of the pane.

Create a mixed cart for omnichannel checkout
Tulip enables retailers to make multiple sources of inventory for products available for purchase within a single transaction. When an order contains items from both e-commerce and in-store, it is called a mixed cart.
To create a mixed cart, an associate taps on the individual Add to Cart options for each inventory source. The add to cart options include:
- Buy Now (representing an in-store order)
- Order for Delivery (representing an e-commerce order)
- Tulip defines a cart as an order attached to one customer (either identified or anonymous/guest).
- Each cart can have up to two baskets representing an in-store order and e-commerce order.
- Inside the mini cart, the separate baskets are shown as two parts of a single cart.

Manage multiple customers in a single session
An associate may be managing more than one customer at one time. Tulip supports the ability to manage multiple open shopping carts, one for each customer. At any time, the associate can switch between the current basket.
When an associate first adds to cart, a new order is automatically created. If there are multiple active carts, an associate can toggle between active carts by tapping All Orders and then selecting the appropriate customer.

To create a new active order, an associate taps on All Orders and then taps Create Order. The associate has the option of naming that order using an easy to remember short name (called a Label) or to assign the order to a specific customer record stored in Tulip.

Guest checkout
During checkout, an associate has the ability to associate an order with an existing or new customer by tapping on Select Customer highlighted in red. If the associate has not added a customer to the order, the bottom of the cart includes an option to Check Out as Guest. Tapping on this option moves the associate and the customer into Guest Checkout Mode.
Once in Guest Checkout Mode, the full cart details will be displayed on the left hand side of the screen. The store associate will be prompted to:
- Enter shipping information for endless aisle orders as it is necessary information for delivery order processing
- Complete payment for in-store orders where shipping information is not required
See below for Endless Aisle orders with Guest Checkout.

Identified customer checkout
If an associate taps Select a Customer, a search dialog appears allowing the associate to search for an existing customer by typing in their name, email, phone number, or saved notes in the customer’s profile.

The associate also can tap New to create a new customer instead of searching for an existing customer.

Specify shipping information
Address autocompletion & address suggestions
Tulip offers an out-of-the-box integration with Google Places API to facilitate easy address entry by an associate on a mobile device.
- Google Places API is priced based on usage. Tulip has designed its Google Places API integration in a way that makes chargeable API calls in an optimized fashion.
- Before enabling this service, it is recommended that customers work with Tulip’s Integrations Team and determine expected monthly costs. This service can be enabled using a Places API key. It is also possible to turn off this service in cases where the customer believes that their usage cost is too high.
- For more information on usage & billing, see

Address validation
Tulip offers an API for Address Validation that is expected to function well with all the top address validation services in the market. The interface allows an associate to select or reject the validation service’s recommendation.

Select a payment method
Associates can take payments using customer’s credit or debit card. Tulip offers out-of-the-box integration with Adyen SDK and Square Reader SDK. For details on payment method API, see Checkout Configuration and Extensibility Options for details.

Split tender
Split tender allows associates to take payment for a sale using a variety of payment methods. Up to 50 splits are allowed by default and can be configured to a maximum number of choice). Using split tender, the sale can be split between multiple credit and debit cards, to even redeeming a gift card or cash payment (in future). If a mistake is made, associates can void the payment by refunding it to the customer.

When emailing or printing the order receipt, the receipt will show all the payment methods used to pay for the order.
Associates can review the order history to view all the tenders used to pay for the order.
Note: Orders completed using multiple payment methods are not refundable using Checkout Nova.

Issue receipts
Associates can print or email the following types of receipts:
- Successful Payment
- Failed Payment (cancelled, void, or declined by processor)
- Gift Receipt
Branded receipt details can be edited on request. Tulip offers an editable template that can be used to upload customer’s logo and receipt footer.

Print a receipt
Tulip offers an out of the box integration with Star Micronics printers.
Associates can add their local printers to Tulip-enabled devices by tapping the Hardware tab under Settings.

Associates can trigger printing through the payment confirmation or through the payment failed interface by tapping Print Receipt. The next screen allows an associate to select printing a gift receipt.

Email a receipt
Associates can send the receipt in an email format to customers. For customers who allow email in their profile settings, Tulip pre-populates the customer’s primary email address automatically.
However, customers who have opted out of email or are checking out as guests can provide an email address that is not saved to the customer’s profile.

Associates can additionally choose to email a gift receipt to the customer by enabling the Email Gift Receipt option.
Available configurations
Retailers can configure checkout features in the following ways:
Field | Configurable Elements |
Add to Cart Buttons |
Mini-Cart Basket Shipping |
Online Store |
Split Tender |