Manual Discounts

What’s on this page?

Store associates can manually adjust the price of an order or individual items in an order by a percentage or an amount. The flexible and manual nature of this feature allows associates to use it creatively to solve for use cases such as promotions, coupons, BOGO, and so on.

Description of functionality

Store associates can apply a manual item or order level discount in cart. There are two types of discounts applicable. “Order Discount” applies a price adjustment to the entire order, and “Item Discount” applies a price adjustment to certain items in the order. After applying a discount, associates have an option to either edit or remove the discount.

If configured, associates also have an option to apply stacked order and item discounts.

Applying a discount

Order and item level manual discounts can be applied by enabling the configuration


Applying a discount to items in the cart can be done in two ways.

The primary way is to use the Add Discount button that appears in cart at checkout. After selecting this, associates can choose the type of discount they would like to apply.

An item discount can also be applied by selecting a product in the cart and then adding the discount from the product detail view.

After selecting the type of discount desired, associates will then be prompted to enter the type of reduction (amount or percentage), numerical value, and a reason for applying the discount.

When adding a discount, the associate must select a pre-configured reason for why the discount is being applied. The out of the box reasons that are available are as follows:

  • Damaged product
  • New Customer Onboarding
  • Bad Customer Experience
  • Store Promotion
  • Other

Stacking discounts

Multiple discounts can be applied to each item by enabling the configuration is_stacked_item_discounts_enabled.

When applying multiple discounts, there is a priority order in which they are applied. First, percentage discounts are applied prior to amount-based discounts. Within each type (i.e. percentage or amount) of manual discount, they are applied in the order in which they were first added to the item.

Note: Item-level discounts are applied before the order-level discount.

Additional Notes

  • If a product with multiple quantities has an item discount applied, each product will be displayed as a separate line item in the cart.
  • If Shipping Costs are being applied to an order, this cost is not included when applying an order level discount even if the discount is greater than the total amount of the order.
  • If shipping cost is based on the cost of the order, then when a discount is applied, the discounted total will be used to determine the cost of the shipping method.

Configuration options

OptionDefault valueDescription
is_price_adjustment_enabledfalseWhen true, store associates can apply manual discounts to an entire order or to individual items in an order
is_stacked_item_discounts_enabledfalseWhen true, store associates can apply multiple discounts to any item in an order
Is_stacked_orde r_discounts_enabledfalseWhen true, store associates can apply multiple discounts to an entire order