Order Notes

What’s on this page?

The order notes feature in the Tulip Checkout app enables store associates to attach notes to a customer’s order to capture any additional information like packaging instructions, delivery details, etc.

Store associates can create notes for each order and can edit the notes later in the checkout cart. If associates cancel out of a cart to complete other tasks and then return to check out that same cart, the notes are still available because they get saved automatically.

Description of functionality

When reviewing order history or preparing orders for shipment, retail employees can view the order notes to see if there is anything that they need to be aware of, for example, special instructions for packaging or shipping the items.

Retailers can use it to record information that can be used for a variety of purposes, like exporting the notes to other connected systems for further processing. Order notes provide retailers opportunities to enhance their customer experience by providing an avenue for personalized fulfillment instructions and greater flexibility for enhancing the user journey.

Features deep dive

Single versus multiple notes: Store associates can add multiple notes per order unless retailers configure it to only have one note per order.

Tip: Associates can use line breaks and paragraphs to separate distinct comments within a note.

Note length: There are no character limits imposed on the length of notes.

UTF-8 characters support: Sales associates can enter special characters like foreign currency symbols, emojis, accent marks, or even write in a different language due to UTF-8 support.

Categorization: Multiple notes are organized into categories. It might be easier to think of each category as a type of note since associates can only add one note per category. The name of the category is displayed on the screen as a label above each note, for example, “Giveback Code,” “Delivery Instructions.” These are category labels.

Category labels are always displayed on the app screen when there is more than one category.

If only one note category is configured, that is, only one note is allowed per order, the category label is hidden by default.

Note: Localization is not supported for category labels.

How-To: Add notes to an order

Complete the following steps to add notes to orders. The steps differ based on if the retailer configured the feature to allow you to add multiple notes per order or just one per order:

If multiple categories are available, you can add one note per category. Complete the following steps to add multiple notes to an order:

  1. In the left pane, select Add Note.
  2. In the Select Note Category dialog, select a category.
  3. In the Add Note dialog, type your notes, and then select Add.
  4. To add notes in other categories, in the left pane, select , and then repeat Steps 2-3.

If only one category is available (or no categories are visible), you can add only one note for the entire order. Complete the steps below to add a note to an order:

  1. In the left pane, select Add Note.
  2. In the Add Note dialog, type your notes, and then select Add.

How-To: Configure order notes

In the Admin Console, go to Checkout > Order Notes Settings to configure the following.

Add a category

  1. On the Order Notes Settings page, next to Order Note Categories, select .
  2. In the Order Note Categories side panel, select Add Note Category.
  3. In the **Category Label** box, type the name of the category as it would appear in the Checkout app when a store associate tries to add an order note.

    Note: You can edit the category label if you need to change it later.

  4. In the Field ID box, type an ID for the field, and then select Save. The ID can be anything but it must be unique, that is, no two categories can have the same ID.

    Note: You can’t edit the field ID after you save it.

    Tip: You can have multiple categories with the same name as long as they all have unique IDs.

Reorder categories

If you want to change the order in which the categories appear in the Checkout app when a store associate views the note categories, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Order Notes Settings page, next to Order Note Categories, select .
  2. In the Order Note Categories side panel, drag the icon next to a Category Label and move it up or down to change the position of the note category to your preference. After you’re done reordering, select Save.

Hide categories

After you save a category, you can rename the category label but you can’t delete it. If you want to remove a category from the Checkout app, you can hide it by disabling the category. Complete the following steps to hide a category in the app:

  1. On the Order Notes Settings page, next to Order Note Categories, select .
  2. To hide a category, select next to the category, and then select Save.

Note: You cannot hide all categories. There must always be at least one category enabled.

Disabled categories move to the lower part of the side panel. You can display or hide them from view by selecting Show Disabled or Hide Disabled link.

Enable previously hidden categories

If you disabled a note category to remove it from the Checkout app, you can enable it to make it reappear. Complete the following steps to make a previously disabled category reappear in the app:

  1. On the Order Notes Settings page, next to Order Note Categories, select .
  2. To enable a previously disabled category, select next to the category, and then select Save.

Note: If you don’t see the hidden categories, you might need to scroll down and select Show Disabled.

Hide category label when there’s only a single category visible

If there’s only one category because you only created one category or you disabled all categories except for one, the category label is hidden by default. You can choose to display the category label in the Notes section of the cart checkout page and in the Add Note dialog.

Complete the following steps to display or hide the category label:

  1. On the Order Notes Settings page, next to Order Note Categories, select .
  2. In the Order Note Categories side panel, to display the category label, select Show category label when there is only one category or deselect it to hide the label, and then select Save.