Product Details

What’s on this page?

Product Details is one of the most used screens in Tulip. This screen provides detailed product information on a specific product.

The product details screen provides all the available options on the left side and a large product image on the right side.

On this screen store associates and store managers can:

  • Select an appropriate color or product variant
  • Select an alternate image or media file for the selected product
  • Select a size or separate product option for the product
  • Review product description details for the selected product
  • Review product availability for the selected product

Product details display differently depending on the Tulip-enabled device being used.


  • The left hand side of the screen (primary pane) can show many more list menu items that can be enabled or extended in order to show more information on the product.
  • Selecting options from the primary pane displays product information on the right hand side of the screen (secondary pane).


  • The primary and secondary panes will appear as two separate screens.

Availability Screen

On the Availability screen, Tulip displays inventory information on the selected product variant.

Tapping on Availability brings up map of all the locations the product is available at.

An associate can see inventory information for a few of the closest stores, as well as online availability of the variant. If needed, the associate can tap See All Stores to see a full listing of all visible stores to expand the list.

Tapping the Blue circle with an I  icon on the right hand side of a store in the Availability screen displays detailed store information to the associate.

The detailed store information menu contains store name, number, phone, and address.

Associates can access related products to a given product through the Related Products tab. These products are identified to be related to a given product by retailer’s preferred recommendation engine.

Customers can choose to upload related products to Tulip via DAL in the product feed. Or, Tulip can integrate with their preferred recommendation engine via the Related Products API. In the latter case, related products would be rendered via a live call made when associate taps on the tab.

Tapping on Related Products displays all the related products names and images to the side.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure this feature in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Availability Tab
  • Display or hide the Availability tab
  • Display or hide ‘Add to cart’ button on Online store in list of all stores
  • Display or hide the map view for stores
  • Display or hide store address information
  • Display or hide store hours information
  • Display or hide unknown inventory data
Variant Selection
  • Select variant display between Text, Color, and Image options
  • Display or hide out of stock variants
    • If displayed, out of stock variants are visually differentiated with a text strikethrough or swatch strikethrough
Product Name Sub-title
  • Select supplementary product information to display as sub-title
    • Variants selected
    • Variant code
    • UPC code
    • Product code
    • Other product ID
    • Option description
Social Product Sharing
  • Share product details with customers through the customer’s preferred social channels (such as Instagram, WhatsApp, WeChat, iMessage, and so on.
  • Include sales attribution support in shared product links