Product Search

What’s on this page?

The bottom navigation bar offers a quick access to a product search screen.

Product search enables store associates to search the catalog by looking up specific or vague search criteria. Associates can choose to type product search criteria in the search bar or scan a barcode for product lookup.

Tulip search supports the following search criteria:

  • Product name
  • Category name
  • Product description
  • SKU number
  • UPC number
The Search screen consists of a blank screen and a large search bar.

Search Suggestions

As an associate starts typing, suggested results will be displayed in a list based on partially or fully matching product names with the search term highlighted. If one of the suggestions is selected, that term will be searched for.

Suggest results will be displayed below the search bar where the empty space once was.

Note: When a store associate taps the Search option, products exactly matching the search criteria are returned.

Recent Searches

The landing page for search can show recent searches made by the store associate. Selecting one of the recent searches allows you to search again for that same term. Store associates can clear their recent searches in the upper right corner of the screen.

Recent searches appear below the search bar.

No Search Results

This view is shown when no search results can be found for the given search criteria. The title and description text on this page can be customized.

By default, when no search results are found, the space below the search bar notifies the associate that nothing matches the search term.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure this feature in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Search SuggestionsEnable or disable search suggestions.
Recent SearchesEnable or disable recent searches.
  • When enabled, up to 64 recent searches are available.
  • When disabled, a blank screen is shown instead.
  • No Results Title TextEdit title text.

    For example: “No results found” or “No matching products found”
    No Results Description TextEdit description text.

    For example: “Check your spelling and try again” or “Try searching for something else” or “Scan product barcode instead”