Tulip Assisted Selling

Tulip Assisted Selling enables store associates to sell more effectively by  leveraging real-time product information, ratings, reviews, engaging product imagery and video, and social media.

With the Tulip Assisted Selling App, store associates can sell more effectively by leveraging real-time product information and engaging product imagery. Store associates can also capture orders and take payments using a mobile device for faster customer check-outs and line-busting. Ratings and reviews are available as custom integrations of third party services.

This easy-to-use mobile app includes a sales associate dashboard, omnichannel catalog access, advanced search and inventory information across channels, as well as a shopping cart, order capture, payment handling, POS integration, cash drawer management and order processing.

Associates can sell products that are available in the store, in other stores, or online. The Tulip Assisted Selling App includes a sales associate dashboard, omnichannel catalog access, advanced search and inventory information across channels.

When capturing customer orders, all the details of the order are available and include customer email, billing address, shipping method, total, and method of payment.

Who is Assisted Selling For?

With Tulip Retail’s Assisted Selling App, store associates can sell more items, more effectively by leveraging real-time product information, ratings, reviews, imagery and video, and social media.

  • Increase Order Sizes by 5% to 15%
    • Leverage rich customer data to cross-sell and up-sell  effectively and to increase Average Order Value on store transactions
  • Increase Store Sales 2% to 10%
    • Generate incremental sales and capture lost sales by giving associates access to online and in-store inventory
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction by 10% to 30%
    • Engage with in-store customers and extend the personal customer experience beyond the four walls of the store