Client Book, Store Book, and All Customers Lists

What’s on this page?

Tulip offers three different types of customer lists out of the box that retailers can configure: Associate Client Books, Store Book, and All Customers list.

Client Book

The Client Book enables associates to maintain a list of their high profile/VIP customers that they want to maintain contact with, invite them to special events, or even suggest products that they know these customers will love.

Because customers in an associate’s Client Book are usually ones that are high value (due to historical spend or prospective spend), associates can add or remove customers from their Client Book. Traditionally, associates used to maintain their VIP customers in a physical Client Book, and would take it with them in the event of them leaving the store, causing the store to lose valuable information about their top clients.

With Tulip’s Clienteling, retail stores own all the data about their customers and don’t need to worry about associates leaving the store as they can easily re-assign the Client Book customers to another associate.

Store Book

The Store Book is a store-specific list of customers that are not necessarily assigned to a particular associate. The Store Book can be used in different ways by different retailers.

For small retailers that have fewer store associates, the Store Book enables them to manage their VIP customers at a store level. Larger retailer brands use the Store Book as a set of all customers that have done business with that specific store. In this case, store managers are able to look through all the VIP customers for the store, and then target any communications to them, such as a store event.

All Customers List

The All Customers list enables associates and store managers to see a list of all the customers that have done business with the retailer.

View Client Book

Associates can view VIP customers in their Client Book through a customer profile.

Retailers can configure this action in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Options
Client Book List
  • Store specific Client Book so associates can only view customers in their Client Book for the current store they are logged in to.
  • Global Client Book to enable associates who work in multiple stores to see all their Client Book customers across all stores without having to log out of one store and into the other.

Add to Client Book or Store Book

Associates can add/remove VIP customers to/from their Client Book or the Store Book through a customer profile.

Retailers can configure this action in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Options
Add to Client Book
  • Automatically add any new customer records created by the associate to their Client Book.
  • Display or hide Add to Client Book option.
  • Specify maximum number of customers that can be added to the Client Book (Default is 200)
Add to Store Book
  • Automatically add any new customer records created by the associate to the Store Book for the store they are currently logged in to.
  • Display or hide Add to Store Book option.

These actions can be controlled via Customer List Restrictions. See Customer List Restrictions for details.

Search for Customers

Since the number of customers tracked in a Client Book, a Store Book and the All Customers list can get large over time, Tulip Clienteling provides associates ways to easily search for customers within these lists. For more information, refer to Customer Filter and Search.

Filter Customer Lists

To narrow down the list of customers, associates can apply filters to the customer lists (Client Book, Store Book, All Customers) as well as any custom customer lists as defined by retailers. For more information, see to Customer Filter and Search for details.

Customer List Restrictions

Retailers can choose to configure Customer List Restrictions to control the changes that associates can make to the Client Book or the Store Book.

The customer list restrictions require Loyalty Tiers to be configured, and the restrictions can only be placed for customers that belong to a certain loyalty tier.

For each loyalty tier defined by the retailers, the following restrictions for Client Book and Store Book can be optionally configured using Tulip self-serve tools:

FieldConfigurable Options
Client Book
  • Restrict Adding customers that belong to a certain loyalty tier.
  • Restrict Removing customers that belong to a certain loyalty tier.
  • Restrict Reassigning customers that belong to a certain loyalty tier.
Store Book
  • Restrict Adding customers that belong to a certain loyalty tier.
  • Restrict Removing customers that belong to a certain loyalty tier.

Custom Customer Lists

Tulip Clienteling offers retailers the flexibility to define their own custom customer lists in addition to the out of the box lists.

Retailers can configure to make the customers:

FieldConfigurable Options
Custom Customer Lists
  • Visible or hidden for all associates within a store.
  • Visible or hidden for an individual associate.

All actions such as searching and filtering can be performed on custom customer lists.