Clientelling Advisor

What’s on this page?

Advisor within the Clienteling App empowers store associates to identify which customers to reach out to. Associates can view recommendations of customers that have potentially lapsed or are on the verge of lapsing, customers that they should add to their Client Book, any new customers that the associate has recently interacted with, and any upcoming important dates for the customers. Having these recommendations handy improves associate efficiency and enables store associates to stay focused on customer relationship management.

In addition, associates can also see pending customer records that require further review before a complete customer record can be created.

The main page provides a view into the number of customers in each category. Associates can go deeper into each of the categories to view the list of specific customers. Associates can also refresh their memory about the customer by viewing the customer profile within this view.

The Advisor screen displays the available actions in a list where tapping on them opens another menu.

Keep In Touch

Store associates can view customers who have lapsed or are on the verge of lapsing. Having identified these customers, associates can view the customer profile from this view and then reach out to these customers to re-engage them.

Within this view, associates can view the days since the customer made a purchase with the retailer as well as the number of days since the customer last had contact with the associate.

The Keep in Touch menu displays the customers in a list. Tapping on a customer reveals more information and actions.

Add to Client Book

Associates can view recommendations for customers that they have interacted with but haven’t yet added to their Client Book so that they don’t lose contact with these potential VIP customers.

Only customers who have had a conversation with the current associate, and who have not been assigned to another associate, are included in the list of recommendations.

Within this view, associates can view the number of days since last contact with the customer. Customers are also sorted by the number of days since last contact, with the recently contacted customers displaying at the top.

The Add to Client Book menu displays the customers in a list. Tapping on a customer reveals more information and actions.

New Customers

Associates can view customer records that they have recently created. This is particularly helpful in scenarios where the associate has had a busy day and assisted several customers, but hasn’t had a chance to add all the necessary details to their individual customer records. Viewing recently created customers enables associates to go into each of the records to easily add the necessary information.

The records within this view are sorted by customer’s creation date.

The New Customers menu displays the customers in a list. Tapping on a customer reveals more information and actions.

Pending Customers

Customer records that are created through the Customer Entry form (on the associate’s device or on the customer’s device) are held in a ‘pending’ state, which must be reviewed by the associate before a full customer record is created.

Reviewing information that customers entered prior to creating the customer record enables complete and accurate customer data to synchronize with a retailers' CRM systems. It also helps prevent the creation of duplicate customer records.

The Pending Customers menu displays the customers in a list. Tapping on a customer reveals more information and actions.

For more information on the Pending Customers workflow, see Customer Capture.

Upcoming Important Dates

Associates can easily view customers observing an upcoming important date (such as a birthday, anniversary, or any meaningful date) enabling them to plan for customer outreach, as well as communicate directly with the customers from this screen.

This is particularly valuable to associates as they no longer have to use manual means (their personal phone, or a paper-based approach) to track and be reminded about important dates for their special clients.

The Upcoming Important Dates menu displays the customer events in a list. Tapping on a event reveals more information and actions.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure this feature in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Keep In Touch
  • Configure the date range since last purchase that qualifies a customer as a lapsed customer
  • Configure the date range since last contact that qualifies a customer as a lapsed customer
  • Configure the customer list (All Customers, Store Book, Client Book) that should be considered for generating these recommendations
Add to Client Book
  • Configure the customer list (All Customers, Store Book, Client Book) that should be considered for generating these recommendations
New Customers
  • Specify the number of days to show the new customers for after a record has been created (Default is 10)
Upcoming Important Dates
  • Configure the number of days in future during which a customer with an important date will show (Default is 60 days)
  • Configure the customer list (All Customers, Store Book, Client Book) from which customers with important dates will appear