Customer Filter and Search

Search For Customers

Since the number of customers tracked in Client Book, Store Book, and the All Customers list can grow significantly over time, Tulip Clienteling provides associates a number of ways to easily search for customers within these lists.

Associates can search for customers using the following methods:

  • Name (First or Last) – At least 3 characters of the first or last name must be entered to search by name
  • Email Address – An email address up to ‘@’ symbol must be entered to search by email
  • Phone Number – At least 3 digits of the phone number must be entered to search by phone
  • Notes – Search using any text included within customer notes to search for a customer

Tip: Tulip recommends that store associates search for customers before creating new customer profiles in Tulip to avoid potential record duplication.

Filter Customer Lists

To narrow down a list of customers, associates can apply filters to customer lists (Client Book, Store Book, or All Customers) as well as any custom customer lists defined by the retailer.

The following filter types are available out of the box and retailers have the option to show/hide them as desired:

  • Communication Preferences
    • Allow Email (Possible Options: Any, Yes, No)
    • Allow SMS (Possible Options: Any, Yes, No)
  • Purchases
    • Minimum Spend Amount
    • Maximum Spend Amount
      • From (Start of date range)
      • To (End of date range)
  • Loyalty Tiers
  • Purchase History
    • Product ID (or product code)
      • Product Name or Description
  • Customer Preferences (as defined by importing via the DAL API or configured using Tulip self-serve tools)

Retailers can also choose to define custom filters. The following types of fields can be configured as customer filters:

  • Boolean attributes: Yes/No, True/False, Enabled/Disabled
  • String attributes: Freeform text fields on a customer profile
  • Picklist attributes: List of predefined attributes

Available Configurations

When search results are displayed, the retailers can configure the filtered results displayed in Tulip Apps in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Options
Filtered Results
  • Sort sequence: Ascending or Descending (Default is Descending)
  • Sort field: Define what field is used to sort on using the Sort Sequence results
    • Possible fields to sort on are:
      • Customer ID
      • Last Name
      • First Name
    • If no field is specified, Created Date for the customer record is used