Customer Prism

Customer Prism is a set of features in Tulip that allow associates to quickly find all customers that share specific retail attributes. For example, an associate may have only one pair of shoes in size 6 in stock, for a brand. Associates can use Customer Prism to quickly filter their list of customers down to only those customers who wear size 6 and have shown an affinity for a particular brand.

Customer Prism is managed using Tulip self-serve tools and can efficiently filter millions of customers across dozens of facets.

The Customer Prism displays the available attributes in a simple yet functional for quick access.

Set Up Preference Facets

Tulip customers can self-configure preference facet details including:

  • Type of the facet (Hex Colour, Image, or Text-based)
  • Label of the facet visible in Tulip
  • Description for the facet

Customer Filtering

Associates can use Customer Prism to easily find customers that share specific retail attributes. This is particularly valuable in cases where associates are looking for customers who belong to certain cohorts. For example, in the case of special promotions on colours, or the introduction of a popular product in a new colour, the associate can easily identify who within their Client Book would fall within that cohort, and then reach out to them about the product.

The Preferences under Filters are categorized as Likes and Dislikes. Associates can select as many preferences to filter on as needed and then tap Done to see the customers that meet their filter criteria.

Customer Preferences Tab

Within a customer profile, the Preferences tab displays that customer’s likes and dislikes.

Associates can capture a customer’s preferences/dislikes to further enrich the customer’s profile. This data can be defined by the retailer and leveraged to refine a client list or sent back to CRM for further segmentation. Customer preferences accessible through a single spot enables associates to recommend products to customers that they will love.

Retailers can configure this section in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Options
  • Specify preferences that associates can track as part of a customer’s profile.
  • Specify the options available per preference.
  • Specify whether a preference consists of a single option or multiple options (such as for specifying colors).
  • Specify whether a preference is a hex, text, or image type.
  • Specify whether a preference can be “disliked”.
  • Specify whether a preference can be filtered.