Customer Profile

What’s on this page?

Tulip Clienteling enables store associates to gain a 360-degree view of their customers by providing access to a rich customer profile including personal preferences and past purchases.

By connecting with the retailers' CRM and online systems, store associates get a consolidated view into the customers' wishlists, style preferences, communications preferences, as well as browsing history, which can be used to build a hyper-personal relationship with them.

On the Customers Screen, associates can add the customer to the order, view and edit contact information, view sizing information, add to Client Book and follow-up. On the Client Book screen, the customer 360 view, and communication history is available.

The following standard customer profile features are available out of the box.

Personal Information in Customer Profiles

Standard personal information includes first name, last name, phone number, email address, postal address, and communication preferences. A customer’s personal information is available directly from their profile.

Additional customer attributes (such as lifetime spend and loyalty status) can be used to display attributes derived from CRM.

Additional information of the customer is available such as their customer segment and contact information.

Retailers can configure the Personal Information section of customer profiles in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
  • Edit section header title text.
  • Customer Name can be a required or optional field.
Email Address
  • Edit section header title text.
  • Capture primary and alternate email addresses.
  • Specify ‘types’ of email address, such as Personal or Work.
  • Customer Email can be a required or optional field.
  • Specify the maximum number of email addresses for a customer. Standard, configurable REGEX validation is applied as part of field validation on email addresses. Email domain validation is also performed.
Phone Number
  • Edit the section header title text.
  • Capture primary and alternate phone numbers.
  • Specify ‘types’ of phone numbers, such as Personal or Work.
  • Specify the maximum number of phone numbers for a customer.
  • Check for valid phone number.
  • Phone number can be a required or optional field. Phone numbers must follow the E1.64 format.
  • Edit the section header title text.
  • Capture primary and alternate addresses for a customer.
  • Specify ‘types’ of address, such as Home, Work, or Vacation.
  • Display one line or multiple lines for street addresses.
  • Display or hide ‘Postal Code’ field.
  • Display or hide ‘City’ field.
  • Check for valid address.
  • Edit error messages displayed when address field validation fails.
  • Address can be a required or optional field.
Communication Preferences
  • Edit the section header title text.
  • Specify the supported communication types displayed (Email, SMS, etc.)
  • Edit the instruction text for enabling communication types.
Additional Attributes
  • Additional attributes can be captured on customer profiles, including the type of attribute (such as a string, pick list, yes/no option).

Add to Client Book & Remove from Client Book

To provide a hyper-personal clienteling experience, store associates can add VIP customers to or remove customers from associate-level Client Books. Client Book customers are available through the Client Book tab.

The ability for an associate to add, remove, or reassign a customer to/from a Client Book can also be configured based on loyalty tier status. See the section Customer List Restrictions via [Client Book, Store Book, and All Customers Lists](/apps/clienteling/black-book-store-book-and-all-customers/Black Bookstorebookandallcustomerslists/ “Client Book, Store Book, and All Customers Lists”) for details.

Retailers can configure Client Book membership from a customer profile in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Add to Client Book/Remove from Client Book
  • Display or hide the Add to Client Book option.
  • Specify the maximum number of customers that can be added to a Client Book (Default is 200)
  • Ignore Client Book add restrictions as a Store Manager role (Customer List Restrictions)
  • Ignore Client Book remove restrictions as a Store Manager role (Customer List Restrictions)
  • Ignore Client Book reassign restrictions as a Store Manager role (Customer List Restrictions)

Add to Store Book & Remove from Store Book

Store associates can add or remove customers to and remove customers from a store-wide Store Book. All customers that are added to the Store Book can be easily accessed through the Store Book tab.

The ability for an associate to add or remove a customer to/from a Client Book can also be configured based on loyalty tier status. See the section Customer List Restrictions via [Client Book, Store Book, and All Customers Lists](/apps/clienteling/black-book-store-book-and-all-customers/Black Bookstorebookandallcustomerslists/ “Client Book, Store Book, and All Customers Lists”) for details.

Retailers can configure Store Book membership from a customer profile in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Add to Store Book/Remove from Store Book
  • Enable or disable storewide Store Book.
  • Display or hide Add to Store Book option.
  • Specify the maximum number of customers that can be added to a Store Book (Default is 200)

Add Follow-Ups

Store associates can easily add a follow-up task for current customer to easily track any important outreach events. See Follow-Ups for details.


Closet provides a visual representation of a customer’s past purchases. This view enables store associates to review the customer’s preferred colours, brand preferences, collections, purchase categories, average spend details, and more at a glance. The customer’s closet can include all purchases made using a Tulip-enabled device as well as beyond Tulip.

Purchase History

Purchase history enables store associates to drill down into the details of historical orders across channels. Orders displayed are sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

Retailers can configure purchase history details in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Order Header
  • Specify the fields that display in the order header (such as store name, store ID, associate information).
  • Display or hide the following information on Past Purchases headings in a customer profile:
    • transaction number
    • register number
    • employee reference number
    • order total
    • store name
    • store identifier
    • store code
    • employee display name
    • employee identifier
    • customers name
Product Details
  • Specify the fields that display in the product details of the order (such as: SKU, Product information)

Important Dates

Important Dates enable store associates to manage key dates for a customer such as a birthday, wedding anniversary, or any other meaningful date. Associates can use this information to drive towards a hyper personal relationship with the customer, such as reaching out to them with a special birthday offer. Associates can work with predefined date types or add custom date types as needed. Important dates can also be imported from the retailer’s CRM.

Retailers can configure important dates in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Important Date TypesSpecify important date types beyond Birthday and Anniversary.


See Customer Prism documentation for details on the Preferences tab available on the Customer Profile Screen.


Store associates can review a customer’s online product wishlist and associated product details to get an insight into the customer’s style and brand preferences.

Out of the box, Tulip supports online read-only wishlists imported from the retailer’s CRM.


Store associates can also capture customer notes directly from a customer’s profile. Notes give associates the flexibility to capture key customer information that they would traditionally track using a pen and paper. Once a note has been created, associates can go in and modify or delete notes as needed.

Associates can mark a note as ‘Private’. If a note is marked as ‘Private’, only the user who created the note will be able to see it.

Associates can attach up to 10 products and/or images to the note from the Product Catalog, a Photo library, or images taken using the device camera.

Retailers can configure customer notes in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
  • Enable or disable the Notes section.
  • Enable or disable ability to create notes.
  • Enable or disable ability to delete notes.
  • Enable or disable ability to edit existing notes.
  • Enable or disable ability to create private notes.
  • Display or hide employee ID of the author in the list of customer notes.
  • Enable or disable ability to attach a product from a catalog.
  • Enable or disable ability to attach photos from a Photo Library.
  • Specify maximum number of photo attachments (up to 10).
  • Specify maximum file size limit for photo attachment size (in MB).
  • Enable or disable ability to remove attachments from notes.

Phone Log

Associates can log and track any phone calls to/from customers and record notes associated with the phone conversation directly from a customer profile.

Through the historical phone call log, associates can easily reference any notes related to prior conversations while ensuring the best clienteling experience to their customers.

When enabled, the phone log creation screen is displayed after each phone call. But unless a store associate saves the phone log, it doesn’t get created. In other words, a phone log is not created automatically.

Retailers can configure phone logs in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Phone Log
  • Enable or disable ability to create phone logs.
  • Enable or disable user prompt to log the call after a call is completed.
  • Enable or disable ability to create private phone logs.

Activity Log

Store associates get a single view into all the touch points that a customer has had with the store using the Activity Log. This enables the retailers to avoid incidences of under/over communication with the customer.

Activity Logs include:

  • Notes created for a customer
  • Phone call logs (manually logged by associates)
  • Any communication with the customer using SMS or Email initiated using a Tulip-enabled device
  • Video logs
  • Social logs
  • Any communication with the customer that happens outside of Tulip (such as: marketing, customer service, e-commerce) that is imported through the retailers' CRM systems.
The activity log displays information in a list view and in order by date descending.

Retailers can configure the Activity Log in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Options
Display Activity Log
  • Display conversations and conversation details for the logged in user.
  • Display a list of all conversations that have occurred with the customer, but only show conversation details for the logged in user.
  • Specify the number of log entries that are displayed for the customer.


Store associates and managers can click on the Associates tab to understand all the different store associates that interact with that particular customer. This is particularly helpful for store managers who want to reassign customers (or that customer’s follow-up tasks) to another associate in the case of an associate being out of office, unavailable, or no longer with the company.

Customer Dashboard

The Metrics tab on the customer’s profile enables associates to understand key metrics for a customer. This information arms associates with the right information to tailor their outreach to customers.

The following customer metrics are displayed out of the box:

  • Amount Spent
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Click Rate of Categories
  • Click Rate of Channels
  • Communication Channels
  • Days Since Last Contact
  • Date Since Last Purchase
  • Follow-Ups
  • Product Shares
  • Purchase Per Month
  • Top 3 Stores Shopped with
This image shows what the metrics look like. Some are just numbers, while others are displayed graphically.

Customer Loyalty Tiers

Retailers can use Tulip self-serve tools to define how a global set of customer loyalty tier indicators appear in customer profiles within the Tulip Clienteling App. Store associates can use loyalty tier indicators to further personalize their customer communications.

Loyalty tier data is provided by a retailer and imported into Tulip systems. Loyalty tiers consist of tier groups and tier values. Customers can belong to multiple tier groups, but only a single tier value at a time.

For example, a retailer may have two loyalty tiers defined and each tier has three values, as follows:

  • Spend Amount: Significant Spender, Average Spender, Low Spender
  • Visit Frequency: Often, Occasionally, and Infrequently

A single customer can be identified as both an Average Spender and Occasional store visitor, and their profile would display both tier indicators.

Retailers can also work with Tulip to enable the ability to filter the customer list based on all visible loyalty tiers.

Add Customer Attributes Using Extensibility

By leveraging Tulip’s Extensibility framework, retailers can define additional customer attributes to track that are not available out of the box.

For these additional attributes, retailers can define the type of attribute as a string, number, or pick list.

Product Recommendations

Store associates can view product recommendations for a customer based on their profile and historical activity with the brand.

While Tulip does not provide a Product Recommendations engine, customers using Tulip can import product recommendations by integrating with a variety of recommendation engines using Tulip’s Extensibility Framework.