Email Messaging

What’s on this page?

Email enables store associates to perform outreach with customers for activities such as following-up on purchases, sharing products and looks, announcing in-store events, and reaching out for important customer dates. By using email templates provided by the brand, store associates can send personalized emails to customers quickly and efficiently, while maintaining the voice of the brand.

Out-of-box, Tulip is able to send outgoing emails on behalf of the brand’s domain. In general, the retailer gives Tulip permission to send email messages from a specific domain (such as by configuring specific DNS settings.

Important Note: Tulip supports the ability to send outbound emails, but does not provide an ability to receive inbound emails or responses.

Email Templates

Email templates are created and managed using web-based self-serve tools. Templates support the following functionality:

Pre-Canned Sample Text

A starting point for store associates to use when composing emails to customers. Store staff can edit, remove, and replace pre-canned text.

Replacement Term Placeholders

A variety of content placeholders that represent content that is specific to the current store, associate, customer, or product. Tulip replaces any placeholders within email templates with actual data values when a store associate previews the draft email or when the associate sends the email message to a customer using the Clienteling App.

Translation of replacement terms It’s possible to translate replacement terms such as employee name, customer name, etc., to the native language of the email template. Replacement terms pulled from a database need to be changed manually to support different languages. The email template itself is editable in HTML to translate to other languages.

This image displays the user interface where a list of terms can be replaced within the template.

Natural Language Phrases

Define pre-canned phrases that store associates can select to personalize their message to a customer without having to edit the email template itself.

Important Note: When including phrase selections in an email template, store staff can only select from pre-canned phrases to personalize the message. Store staff cannot customize the rest of the body text.

An example template with example phrases that can be entered in predermined locations.

Branded Templates

Templates that include a branded header, a footer, and an area where store staff can craft a customized message to a customer.

Important Note:
A significant amount of HTML coding is required for branded templates. Tulip strongly recommends that retailers engage both their Marketing and IT departments for this effort to ensure that the correct branding elements are specified and included in email templates.

An example email that incorportates HTML to display a branded banner.

Global or Store Level Templates

Retailers can control which email templates will be available to the associates based on the store they are logged in to. Email templates can be configured so they are accessible globally or only when associates are logged in to certain stores. This enables retailers to account for email templates that vary from region to region due to different primary languages, specific promotions, and/or state specific holidays etc, and also allows associates to only see email templates that are most relevant to them.

The select template screen displays the avaible templates under global and store categories.

Attach Products, Images, and Looks

Email templates can be configured to enable associates to attach a product, image, or look to an email. Retailers can work with Tulip to extend email templates to enable store associates to attach multiple products, images, or looks to email messages.

Note: It’s not possible to embed or share videos through email templates due to security reasons.

The New Email menu has options to add attachements.

Sales Attribution

Retailers can track sales attribution on outbound product links sent to customers through email messages, text messages, by sharing curated looks, or by sharing product details through social networks.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure email in the following ways:

Admin Console ConfigDescription
Attach PhotoEnable or disable the ability for store associates to attach a photo to an email taken with the device or from an image library.
Attach ProductEnable or disable the ability for store associates to attach a product from the catalog to an email message.
Sender’s EmailSpecify the outbound email address as the store associate’s name.
Copy StoreEnable or disable the ability to blind carbon copy (BCC) the store on every outbound email from a store associate.
Recipient MaximumSpecify the maximum number of customers a store associate can email within a single email.
Private Activity LogEnable or disable the ability to hide all conversations in the customer’s Activity Log.