Email Templates

What’s on this page?

Store associates can send personalized emails to customers through the Clienteling app using email templates. The templates automatically customize the email to each recipient, whether the email is sent to an individual customer or multiple customers. The associate simply selects the desired recipients, chooses a template to use, and attaches any necessary products from Catalog or images from their mobile device. Using templates allows associates to efficiently keep in touch or follow up with customers through the Clienteling app while still managing in-person customer interactions.

What is Headquarters

Tulip Headquarters is a web-based tool that retailers can use to effectively manage information related to their stores, associates, and customers and manage configurations such as Loyalty Tiers and Return Reason Settings. Email templates can also be created and modified in Tulip Headquarters.

How To: Sign in to Headquarters

  1. Navigate to
  2. To access your tenant login, type the name of your tenant as the Client ID, and then select Continue.
  3. Sign in using your employee Username and Password.

Creating and editing templates

How-To: Create and edit templates

Create a text content template for an email
  1. Sign in to Headquarters and on the left pane under Marketing, select Templates.

  2. At the top of the templates page, select the Email Content tab from the toggle menu.

  3. To create new text content for an email template, in the upper right corner of the page, select .

  4. In the Name text box, enter a name for your content template.

    Note: The name of each content template must be unique.

  5. Craft your desired message in the Content text box.

  6. To personalize the message for any recipient of the email, select appropriate Replacement Terms to insert into your email text content, and then select Save.

    Note: Avoid using replacement terms that are not provided for selection. This will prevent a store associate from accidentally sending an email that contains placeholders that are not actual replacement terms. A solution would be to make your email content template more generic. For example, instead of writing, “We hope you can make it to [insert name of event here]!”, make the sentence more generic like, “We hope you can make it to this event!”

Create an email template
  1. Sign in to Headquarters and on the left pane under Marketing, select Templates.

  2. At the top of the templates page, select the Email Template tab from the toggle menu.

  3. In the upper right corner of the page, select .

  4. In the Content text box, type or paste your HTML content. The content may include things such as a header image, an email body, product and image replacement tags, and an unsubscribe link.

  5. To connect an existing email content template, in the Default Content dropdown, select the name of the content template you would like to use.

  6. To add your text content template to the email template, type {{content}} in the Content text box, within the HTML where you want your selected default content to appear. You can add unique HTML content to templates by creating Content Templates. See How To: Create a text content template for an email.

  7. Fill in the remaining fields of the template, such as the template Name, email Subject and Content, and the Display Image for your email template.

    Note: The name and code of the email template must be unique.

  8. To make the template available for certain stores, select Enable for Stores.

  9. In the window that appears, select the stores for which you’d like the template to be made available, and then select Done in the upper left corner.

  10. Once you have finished creating the customized template, select Save in the upper right corner of the page.

Edit text content of an existing content template
  1. Sign in to Headquarters and on the left pane under Marketing, select Templates.
  2. At the top of the templates page, select the Email Content tab from the toggle menu.
  3. In the upper right corner of the content summary card for the content you would like to edit, select Edit.
  4. Customize the text and any necessary Replacement Terms of the email content, and then select Save in the upper right corner of the page.
Edit an existing email template
  1. Sign in to Headquarters and on the left pane under Marketing, select Templates.
  2. At the top of the templates page, select the Email Template tab from the toggle menu.
  3. In the upper right corner of the template summary card for the template you would like to edit, select Edit.
  4. Customize the desired fields of the template, and then select Save in the upper right corner of the page.

Sending emails using templates

You can only send emails to customers that have opted in to receive email communications. Any customers that have opted out of receiving email communications will automatically be removed from your selected list of email recipients.

How-To: Send and preview emails

Send an email using a template

In the Clienteling app, you can send customer emails directly from a customer profile located in the Client Book, Store Book, All Customers, or Follow-Ups tabs.

  1. From a customers profile, select , to begin composing your email.

  2. In the window that appears, select a template , and then select Next in the upper right corner.

    Note: If there are templates limited to certain stores, there will be two tabs here. One tab for Global Templates and one tab for Store Templates.

  3. Type your desired message in the space in the middle of the page or use the existing template message.

  4. Attach any products or images you wish to send with your message, and then click Send.

Send an email to multiple customers
  1. In the menu bar, select All Customers.

  2. In the upper right corner of the customer list pane, select Select.

  3. Select the customers you want to send an email to, and then select to compose your email.

  4. On the window that appears, select a template, and then select Next in the upper right corner.

    Note: If there are templates limited to certain stores, there will be two tabs here. One tab for Global Templates and one tab for Store Templates.

  5. Type your desired message in the empty space in the middle of the page or use the existing template message.

  6. Attach any products or images you wish to send with your message, and then click Send.

Note: There is a limit of customers that can be emailed at one time. This limit is configurable through Tulip Admin Console.

Preview your email
  1. Once you have composed your email or filled out an email template, select Preview from the toggle above your email draft.
2. If more revisions are needed, select **Compose** from the toggle above your email preview to go back and make changes. 3. Once you are happy with the email draft, select **Send** in the upper right corner to send the email to the customer.

Attaching products, photos, or looks

Before you start, note that you can only attach a product, photo, or look to an email if the respective tags are in the HTML content of the relevant email template.

How-To: Add attachments

Attach a product from Catalog
  1. When composing your email, select Attach Product.
  2. Navigate to the desired product using the category tiles or search for the product by name using the search bar above the category tiles.
  3. Once you find the product you want to attach, select the product, and in the upper right corner, select Select Image.
Attach an image from your photo library
  1. When composing your email, select Attach Image.
  2. From the options that appear, select Photo Library.
  3. Select the photo you wish to attach, and then select Use.
Take a photo and attach it
  1. When composing your email, select Attach Image.
  2. From the options that appear, select Take Photo.
  3. Using your device camera, take a photo, and then select Use Photo.
Attach an image from your device files
  1. When composing your email, select Attach Image.
  2. From the options that appear, select Choose File.
  3. Navigate to the file you would like to attach, and then select the file.
Attach a Look
  1. When composing your email, select
  2. From the options that appear, select the Look that you wish to attach.