
What’s on this page?

Follow-ups are additional touch points with a customer following a purchase or related to an important event. Follow-ups have proven to generate additional sales for retailers; therefore, retailers place great importance on completing follow-ups with their customers. Retailers that have a strong follow-up strategy recognize a higher follow-up generated revenue.

Tulip Clienteling enables associates to:

  • Manage their customer follow-ups like clockwork.
  • Coordinate and schedule customer follow-ups to enable hyper-personal relationships.
  • Schedule follow-ups on important dates (birthday, anniversary etc.)
  • Automatically schedule follow-ups following purchases and after an order’s status changes.
Image displays what the follow-up screen looks like and the available actions

View Follow-Ups

Associates can access all assigned follow-ups on the Follow-Ups tab. Scheduled follow-ups are categorized by their due date (Today and Upcoming) as well as their status (Overdue and Completed). Associates can easily identify the type of follow-up, the due date, as well as the assigned customer.

Using the Search bar at the top of the screen, associates can also narrow down the list of follow-ups. Associates can search for all upcoming and overdue follow-ups for a particular customer, or a particular type of follow-up to better plan the day.

Tapping a follow-ups loads additional details about that follow-up, including:

  • Customer details (when applicable)
  • Order details (if the follow-up is post purchase or for a change in order status)
  • Customer contact details (email, phone number)
  • Phone log and Activity log links to review prior phone conversation records with the customer

Associates can review the customer’s Activity Log to review past interactions and ensure that the customer is not being over-solicited prior to contacting the customer to take action on a follow-up.

Additionally, associates can choose to mark a follow-up as completed or snooze the follow-up (such as in cases when they have been unable to reach the customer).

Create Follow-Ups

On the Follow-Ups tab, associates can create a new follow-up for a customer. This is particularly valuable in scenarios where automated follow-ups are not generated by Tulip Clienteling. Associates can manually create follow-ups for customers as reminders.

Associates can also create non-customer follow-ups for cases where associates have tasks to complete which are not specific to a customer.

Store Managers can create follow-ups (customer and non-customer specific) using the Follow-Ups tab and assigning them to individual associates as well.

When creating a follow-up, the following details can be recorded:

  • Customer Details (available when a customer is selected from the All Customers list)
  • Title for the follow-up
  • Description for the follow-up
  • Due date and time for the follow-up – by default, the due date and time for the follow-up is set to 1 week from the day the follow-up was created
  • Type of follow-up – associates can select from the standard Tulip defined follow-up types or a custom follow-up type defined by the retailer.
  • Assignment details

Edit Follow-Ups

Associates can edit an existing follow-up from the Follow-Ups tab. Today, Upcoming, and Overdue follow-ups can be edited, and all follow-up details can be edited.

Automated Follow-Ups

Tulip Clienteling generates automated follow-ups after purchases and when order status changes to help store associates improve workflow efficiency.

Post Purchase Follow-Ups

Post Purchase follow-ups are created automatically and are added to an associate’s queue to connect with the customer after a purchase.

Out of the box, follow-ups are generated for 2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months after the purchase has been completed (also referred to as the 2-2-2 intervals.) The 2-2-2 intervals are proven to help increase sales and customer satisfaction by contacting customers at these optimal pre-determined intervals.

Retailers can work with Tulip implementation teams to configure the title, description, due date, and minimum order amount for automatically generated post-purchase follow-ups.

These automated follow-ups are created for orders that are completed using the Tulip platform.

Order Status Change Follow-Ups

Order status change follow-ups are created automatically and are added to an associate’s queue to connect with the customer after the status of an order changes. This is particularly helpful for associates to keep their customers up-to-date on the progress of their order. It also provides an opportunity to connect with the customers in cases of unforeseen delays.

Retailers can work with Tulip implementation teams to configure the title, description, and due date for automatically generated order status change follow-ups.

Complete Follow-Ups

From a follow-up details view, associates can choose to contact the customer by email or SMS. Once the message has been sent, the associate is presented with a pop-up to mark the follow-up as completed. Associates can also add a note when completing the follow-up which displays as part of the follow-up details.

Associates can also choose to manually mark the follow up as completed by tapping Mark Complete on the follow-up detail view. This is particularly helpful when the follow-up is not associated with a customer, or when customer outreach doesn’t happen using a Tulip channel. For example, a store associate may decide to call the customer using their phone rather than sending an email or SMS message using a Tulip-enabled device.  

Once a follow-up has been completed, it is moved to the Completed section on the Follow-Ups tab and displays as struck out. Completed follow-ups are filtered out of the list after a set number of days which can be configured per retailer.

Snooze Follow-Ups

In cases where associates are unable to reach the customer, or they have just recently reached out to the customer and don’t want to over solicit, associates can choose to snooze a scheduled follow-up.

When snoozing a follow-up, the associates can choose to snooze the follow-up by:

  • 15 Minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 1 day
  • 1 week

When an appropriate snooze interval is selected, the due date for the follow-up is automatically updated. When snoozing an overdue follow-up, the due date for the follow-up is updated based on the current date plus the selected snooze interval.

Delete Follow-Ups

Associates can delete follow-ups in cases where a follow-up is no longer applicable or is long overdue and customer outreach has already happened.

When a follow-up is deleted, it will no longer show up in the Follow-Ups tab. Both store associates and store managers can delete follow-ups.

Import Follow-Ups

Tulip can enable retailers to leverage API services to push any customer outreach campaigns managed in their CRM/Marketing tools to Tulip Clienteling for associates to complete. This is extremely valuable for corporate offices that generate campaigns as customer-specific follow-up activities that their store associates can manage using their Tulip-enabled devices.

Storewide Follow-Ups

For smaller retailers that don’t have many associates managing customer relationships, Tulip offers the ability for these retailers to manage follow-ups at a store level.

All follow-ups created by an associate in the store they are logged into are rolled up into the Store Follow-Ups tab. This provides store associates and managers with a complete view of all follow-ups for their store.

All functionality available for assigned Follow-Ups is also available for Store Follow-Ups. Like other Clienteling menu buttons, the Storewide Follow-Ups menu option can be configured so it is accessible by managers only or accessible by all associates.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure this feature in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
View Follow-Ups
  • Show or hide the Activity Log from the follow-up detail view.
Create Follow-Ups
  • Specify the default due date (in days) when manually creating a follow up. (Default is 7 days)
Complete Follow-Ups
  • Configure if SMS is enabled to complete follow-ups.
  • Configure whether email is enabled to complete follow-ups.
  • Enable or disable completion pop-up notification.
  • Enable or disable the ability to add a note when completing the follow-up.
  • Specify number of days completed follow-ups appear in the list (Default is 30 days)
  • Specify number of days of grace period before incomplete follow-ups are considered overdue.
Reassign Follow-Ups
  • Enable associates to reassign follow-ups.
  • Enable only store managers to reassign follow-ups.