Look Builder

What’s on this page?

Look Builder enables store associates to use a combination of products and photos to create unique looks, such as new seasonal looks or a new line of products, to share with their customers by email. Sharing products within looks helps boosts a hyper-personal relationship between the associate and the customer as looks can be designed to spark customer interest.

When customers receive looks from store associates, customers can click on the individual products contained within the look to view additional information about the product on the retailers' website. Any product purchased using the link contained within the look is attributed back to the associate who sent it, enabling omnichannel clienteling.

The Look Builder displays all the created looks under seperate and customisable categories. Each look contains a image previewing some items included.

View Available Looks

Under the Look Builder tab, the associate can view all available looks that they have created. The looks are divided between what the associate has created in the past, as well as looks that the corporate office has made available to all associates.

Create a Look

Associates can create new looks using the Look Builder tab. As new products become available, associates can easily leverage this functionality to design new looks of their choice to send to their VIP customers.

Additionally, store managers can also create new corporate looks using the Look Builder tab to make available to all associates. The ability to create corporate looks is restricted to store managers only.

Look Templates

Creating a new look begins with selecting the Look template. The following look templates are available out of the box:

  • 2 Items
  • 3 items
  • 4 items (One Portrait Rectangle)
  • 4 items (All Squares)
  • 5 items (3 Landscape Rectangles)
  • 5 items (3 Portrait Rectangles)
  • 6 items (All Portrait Rectangles)
  • 6 items (1 Large and 5 Small Squares)
This image displays what the look preview looks like depending on the number of items within the look.

Note: The ability for retailers to define new look templates and manage existing look templates is not available out of the box.

Once the look template has been selected, associates can choose to attach a product from the catalog or a photo from the photo library to each template cell. When attaching a product, associates have the option to select a particular variant of the product and attach it to the look, such as specific colour or material.

Cropped Images

When attaching a product or image to the template cell, associates have the option to move the image around or make it smaller or larger using typical finger gestures, within the boundaries of each cell, to create a more personalized experience for their customers.

As the images are resized, the look template cell adjusts in size accordingly.

Send a Look

Associates can send an available look (corporate or personal) to customers via email. Associates can select a look of choice, and select a customer from the Customer List.

Add Look to an Email Template

Retailers can configure email templates using Tulip self-serve tools as well as select the default email template to use when sending a look. Additionally, when configuring email templates, retailers can choose to define an infinite number of looks that can be attached to an email created using that template.

Preview Looks

Before sending a look by email, associates can preview how the look will be presented to the customers and make any adjustments necessary.

Available Configurations

Retailers can configure this feature in the following ways:

FieldConfigurable Elements
Send Looks
  • Specify the default email template to use when sending looks
  • Specify the email templates that can have looks attached to it
Create Looks
  • Specify the maximum number of looks that an associate can save (Default is 50)
  • Specify if associates can attach products to a look (Enabled by default)
  • Specify if associates can attach images to a look (Enabled by default)
  • Specify if a product variant can be attached to a look
  • Specify if the first image for the product variant gets attached to the look or if the associate can select one of choice
  • Specify the maximum size of the attached image (in pixels)