Past Purchases

What’s on this page?

The purchase history section in a customer’s profile in Clienteling displays the customer’s previously purchased products. Previous purchases are ordered reverse chronologically by date of purchase. For example, if a customer has made 3 purchases on the dates December 14th 2020, January 7th 2021, and March 29th 2021, then these dates would be ordered with the most recent date at the top and the oldest date at the bottom of the list (March 29th 2021, January 7th 2021, December 14th 2020).

Past Purchases data

The data shown on the purchase history page is configurable via the admin console. Configurations include the display order of data and the ability to show or hide certain data. Each purchase can be configured to be displayed in the purchase history section of the customer’s profile in Clienteling.

Order DateYes ✅ - The date style is configured to a long format by default. For example, January 1, 2021.
Order Ref Num
Store IDYes ✅ - There is a configurable component which allows for store_id or store_code to be shown in the header. Changing the order_header_shows_store_code value in the admin console allows for display of store_code in this field.
Associate Name
Store Name
Product Image
Product Name
Product PriceThe price is formatted based on the currency code passed in for the Cart Item
Price OverrideThe price override is mapped from the Cart Item Attribute - price_override
Products IDYes ✅
Products CodeYes ✅
Pure Products CodeYes ✅
Products UPCYes ✅
Variant NameYes ✅
Variant Ref NumYes ✅
Variant Options DescriptionYes ✅
Product AttributesYes ✅
Grand Total


Note the following:

  • It is possible to identify a field as a specific class (e.g. ot_total, ot_subtotal), but many are interpreted without consideration for class.
  • If ot_total is missing, Assisted Selling will attempt to identify a field with the name Total. While localizations are considered, only exact match translations from Localizable.strings will work.


Enabling Order History and configuring Product Configurable Fields can be done through the admin console. The configuration would apply to all the products. The display order for the fields can also be controlled via the admin console.

How To: Enable Order History

  1. Navigate to the admin console.
  2. Go to Tulip Admin > Application.
  3. Select the Customer Details View tab.
  4. In the app type dropdown, select ios:clienteling.
  5. Next to the String ID io.tulip.customers.pastorders , in the config values column select .
  6. Next to ”enabled": type true, and then select Update.

Configurable fields

All the configurations go under the “Config Values” field. The configurations are contained under the key product_detail_tabs. The format for a field looks like:

    {"tab_name":"An attribute %@","id":"foo","sort_index":1}
metadata titleDescriptionRequired Y/N
t_project_type(Used by Tulip only)No
t_regionISO Country IDNo
t_store_nameName of StoreYes ✅
t_store_idID of StoreYes ✅
t_store_addressAddress of StoreNo
t_store_cityCity NameNo
t_store_phoneStore Phone #No
t_appointment_type_namee.g. “30 Min Fitting”Yes ✅
t_appointment_type_descriptionLonger descriptionNo
t_appointment_type_imageOptional ImageNo

Filter customers by purchased products

Customer lists can be filtered based on their purchase history. FIltering customers is useful to target customer outreach to customers who have purchased a particular style of product in the past.

Customers can be filtered based on product codes, product names, and product descriptions. Filtered results include only those customers who have purchased a matching product based on the search criteria.

Note: When specifying multiple search options, all options are joined with an AND statement. For example, when searching for a product by product code and product name, the search will not return customers unless past purchases match on both code and name.