Tulip Analytics for Clienteling

What’s on this page?

Tulip Analytics provides retailers insights into the outcome of Tulip Clienteling efforts. It features detailed analytics dashboards and reporting functionality to help to ensure your business needs are being met.


Features at a glance

Detailed analytics dashboards: Single-page views of important performance metrics designed for simplicity: the Corporate Report Overview, Tulip Influenced Sales, Outreach, and Follow-Ups dashboards.

Real time updates: Data updates in five minute increments to ensure accuracy and utility.

Access to Clienteling Dashboards: All of the dashboards available to store managers and associates in the Tulip Clienteling app are accessible from within Tulip Analytics.

Filter, sort, and export data: Data displayed can be filtered by level, time window, and more. Tables can be sorted and exported in CSV or XLS format for retailers who want to perform their own analysis.

Accessing Tulip Analytics

Tulip Analytics is available to retailers through a URL provided by your Tulip representative. Tulip will also provide retailers with login credentials for employees that need access, as specified by the retailer. For more information, contact your Tulip representative.

About the Corporate Report Overview Dashboard

The Corporate Report Overview Dashboard provides a summary of key metrics related to Tulip Clienteling in a convenient single-page view.

To access the Corporate Report Overview dashboard, select Corporate > Corporate Report Overview from the navigation menu.

The dashboard is divided into three main sections:

  • Tulip Influenced Sales: Displays a summary of key metrics from the Tulip Influenced Sales dashboard, including Tulip Influenced Sales and total orders.

  • Outreach: Displays a summary of key metrics from the Outreach dashboard, including the number of total outreaches and unique customers per outreach channel.

  • Follow-Ups: Displays a summary of key metrics from the Follow-Ups dashboard, including a follow-ups summary and breakdown of follow-up types.

To learn more about any of the metrics displayed on the Corporate Report Overview dashboard, see Tulip Analytics for Clienteling Definitions.

About the Tulip Influenced Sales Dashboard

The Tulip Influenced Sales dashboard provides insight into the effect of Tulip Clienteling on your business. This impact is calculated using the Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS) metric.

TIS is calculated using an attribution time period following a Tulip Clienteling outreach. Any sales within this period are attributed to the store associate who performed the outreach and considered to be TIS. By default, the attribution time period is 14 days, however retailers can configure the length to suit their needs.

To access the TIS dashboard, select Corporate > Tulip Influenced Sales from the navigation menu.

The TIS dashboard displays the following data:

  • Tulip-influenced sales and total orders both company wide and based on level.
  • Tulip-influenced sales contribution percentages per level.
  • A detailed, paginated table of all Tulip-influenced sales at the selected level.

To learn more about any of the metrics displayed on the Tulip Influenced Sales dashboard, see Tulip Analytics for Clienteling Definitions.

About the Outreach Dashboard

The Outreach dashboard displays data regarding Clienteling customer outreaches. An outreach is an instance of communication sent to a customer by a retailer through Tulip Clienteling.

To access the Outreach dashboard, select Corporate > Outreach from the navigation menu.

Data is displayed in four detailed tables:

  • Outreach Conversions: Displays data regarding the number of outreaches across all communication channels, as well as the total number of orders and Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS) attributed to each channel.

  • All Outreaches: Displays a complete list of individual outreaches that occurred by store, employee, customer ID, and more.

  • Outreach Completion: Displays data regarding the total number of outreaches by location and the conversion of those outreaches into orders and sales.

  • Sales Influenced by Outreaches: Displays a complete list of individual sales that were influenced by Tulip outreaches. Like TIS, sales influenced by outreaches have a default attribution period of 14 days from the date of an outreach. Includes the order date, the store from which the outreach occurred, the employee who performed the outreach, and much more.

To learn more about any of the metrics displayed on the Outreach dashboard, see Tulip Analytics for Clienteling Definitions.

About the Follow-ups Dashboard

The Follow-ups dashboard displays data regarding sales that were influenced by Clienteling follow-ups. Follow-ups are instances of communication sent to a customer by a retailer following a purchase or related to an important event. Like Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS), sales influenced by follow-ups have a default attribution period of 14 days post follow-up.

To access the Follow-ups dashboard, select Corporate > Follow-ups from the navigation menu.

The Follow-ups dashboard displays the following information:

  • Follow-ups Summary: Displays a summary of key follow-up metrics. Includes the total number of created, overdue, and completed follow-ups as well as the TIS attributed to follow-ups.

  • Follow-ups Types: Displays a pie chart breakdown of the total number of follow-ups by type, with the ability to view data for created, completed, and overdue follow-ups.

  • Follow-ups Completion: A table displaying data regarding the amount of removed, overdue, and completed follow-ups as a percentage of the total number of follow-ups.

  • Sales Influenced by Follow-ups: A table displaying a detailed list of individual sales that were influenced by completed follow-ups. Includes the order date, the store from which the follow-up occurred, the employee who performed the follow-up, and much more.

To learn more about any of the metrics displayed on the Follow-ups dashboard, see Tulip Analytics for Clienteling Definitions.

Filtering Data

The data displayed in Tulip Analytics can be filtered in a variety of ways to help retailers focus on what matters most.

Filtering Data Based on Level

Each of the dashboards in Tulip Analytics displays data from a specified level. By default, the available levels are Division, Region, District, and Store. Retailers who wish to customize the levels can contact their Tulip representative for assistance.

How To: Filter data based on level:

  1. Select the level dropdown menu.
  1. Specify the level using the Division, Region, District, and Store dropdown menus.
  2. Select Done.

Filtering Data Based on Change

The Tulip Analytics dashboards display change metrics that compare the value of the metric in the currently selected time window to the year prior. The metrics are displayed using color to indicate the outcome of the comparison: green signifies positive or an improvement when compared with prior year and red means negative or a deterioration when compared with prior year. These metrics can be changed to display either the change in value or the change in percentage.

To switch between value and percentage, select the change dropdown menu and select either Percentage Change or Value Change.

Filtering Data Based on Currency

The Tulip Analytics dashboards can display monetary values in a variety of currencies. You can change the currency that is displayed in the dashboards using the currency dropdown menu.

To change the currency, select the currency dropdown menu and select the currency that you wish to display.

Filtering Data Based on Time Window

The Tulip Analytics dashboards display data from a specified time window. The time window can be changed in order to view data from any of the following:

  • Day
  • Week
  • 4-week span
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Season
  • Year
  • 12-Month Span
  • Custom range

How To: Change the time window:

  1. Select the current time window to open the Time Window dialog.
  2. Select a time frame from the Time Frame dropdown menu.
  3. Specify your desired time frame further using the calendar and dropdown menus.
  4. Select Done.

Filtering Table Data

Any table displayed in Tulip Analytics can be filtered in order to hide or display particular columns. To filter table data, select and select or clear the checkboxes of the columns you wish to hide or display.

Sorting Data

Tables displayed in Tulip Analytics can be sorted by column in either ascending or descending order. To sort a table column, select the column heading.

Exporting Data

Data can be exported from any table within Tulip Analytics as CSV or XLSX format or can be printed.

To export a table as a CSV or XLSX, select from the table you wish to export, and then select your desired file format.

To print a dashboard, select .

Viewing Clienteling Dashboards

All of the dashboards available to store managers and associates in the Tulip Clienteling app are also accessible from within Tulip Analytics.

To access the Associate Dashboard, select Reporting > Associate Dashboard.

To access the Store Dashboard, select Reporting > Store Dashboard.