Tulip Analytics for Clienteling Definitions

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On this page you can find definitions for common metrics and abbreviations used throughout the different dashboards of Tulip Analytics for Clienteling.

Definitions of metrics in the Corporate Report Overview dashboard

The Corporate Report Overview Dashboard provides a summary of key metrics in a convenient single-page view.

Below you can find definitions for terms used in the Corporate Report Overview dashboard.

Tulip Influenced Sales

Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS): The total value of sales influenced by Tulip Clienteling actions. Tulip Influenced Sales are calculated using a 14 day attribution period (retailers can choose their own attribution window) following a Clienteling action. Sales within this period are attributed to the store associate who performed the action and considered to be Tulip Influenced Sales. Example: A customer receives an email sent via Clienteling. A week later, they make a purchase. This is considered a TIS.

Total Orders: The total number of orders that were placed.

Contribution %: The percentage of Tulip Influenced Sales driven by the store.

Store ID: The unique identification number of the store.

Store: The name of the selected store. A store is the level below a district in the store organizational hierarchy.

District: The name of the selected district. A district is the level above a store and below a region in the store organizational hierarchy.

Region: The name of the selected region. A region is the level above a store and below a division in the store organizational hierarchy.

Division: The name of the selected division. A division is the level above a region and below the country in the store organizational hierarchy

Order Count: The total number of tulip influenced orders placed within the specified time window.

Local Currency: The value in local currency.

USD: The value converted to United States Dollar (USD) using the most up to date exchange rates.


Total Outreaches: The total number of outreaches.

Unique Customers: The total number of unique customers who were contacted.


Total Created: The total number of follow-ups that were created within the specified time window.

Follow-Ups Overdue: The total number of follow-ups that are past their due date. Orders completed using the Tulip platform automatically generate follow-up due dates for 2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months post-purchase.

Follow-Ups Completed: The total number of follow-ups that were completed within the specified time window.

Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS): The total value of sales influenced by Tulip Clienteling actions. Tulip Influenced Sales are calculated using a 14 day attribution period (retailers can choose their own attribution window) following a Clienteling action. Sales within this period are attributed to the store associate who performed the action and considered to be Tulip Influenced Sales. Example: A customer receives an email sent via Clienteling. A week later, they make a purchase. This is considered a TIS.

Created: The total number of follow-ups that were created within the specified time window.

Completed: The total number of follow-ups that were completed within the specified time window.

Overdue: The total number of follow-ups that are past their due date. Orders completing using the Tulip platform automatically generate follow-up due dates for 2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months post-purchase.

Definitions of metrics in the Tulip Influenced Sales dashboard

The Tulip Influenced Sales dashboard provides insight into the impact that Tulip Clienteling is having on your business.

Below you can find definitions for terms used in the Tulip Influenced Sales dashboard.

Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS): The total value of sales influenced by Tulip Clienteling actions. Tulip Influenced Sales are calculated using a 14 day attribution period (retailers can choose their own attribution window) following a Clienteling action. Sales within this period are attributed to the store associate who performed the action and considered to be Tulip Influenced Sales. Example: A customer receives an email sent via Clienteling. A week later, they make a purchase. This is considered a TIS.

Total Orders: The total number of orders that were placed.

Contribution %: The percentage of Tulip Influenced Sales driven by the store.

Store ID: The unique identification number of the store.

Store: The name of the selected store. A store is the level below a district in the store organizational hierarchy.

District: The name of the selected district. A district is the level above a store and below a region in the store organizational hierarchy.

Region: The name of the selected region. A region is the level above a store and below a division in the store organizational hierarchy.

Division: The name of the selected division. A division is the level above a region and below the country in the store organizational hierarchy

Order Count: The total number of TIS orders placed within the specified time window.

Local Currency: The value in local currency.

USD: The value converted to United States Dollar (USD) using the most up to date exchange rates.

Order ID: The unique identification number of the order.

Order Date: The date the order was created.

Order Store ID: The unique identifier of the store that the order was placed with.

Order Store Name: The name of the store that the order was placed with.

Outreach Store ID: The unique ID of the store from which the outreach occurred.

Outreach Store Name: The name of the store from which the outreach occurred.

Employee ID: The unique identification number of the employee.

Employee: The name of the employee.

Customer ID: The unique identification number of the customer.

Customer Name: The name of the customer.

Definitions of metrics in the Outreach dashboard

The Outreach dashboard displays data regarding Clienteling customer outreaches.

Below you can find definitions for terms used in the Outreach dashboard.

Outreach Type: The channel through which the outreach occurred. Example: Email, SMS, WhatsApp.

Total Outreaches: The total number of outreaches.

Unique Customers Contacted: The total number of unique customers who were contacted.

Total Orders: The total number of orders that were placed.

Total Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS): The total value of sales influenced by Tulip Clienteling actions. Tulip Influenced Sales are calculated using a 14 day attribution period (retailers can choose their own attribution window) following a Clienteling action. Sales within this period are attributed to the store associate who performed the action and considered to be Tulip Influenced Sales. Example: A customer receives an email sent via Clienteling. A week later, they make a purchase. This is considered a TIS.

Outreach ID: The unique identification number of the outreach.

Outreach Date: The date that the outreach occurred.

Store ID: The unique identification number of the store.

Store Name: The name of the selected store. A store is the level below a district in the store organizational hierarchy.

District: The name of the selected district. A district is the level above a store and below a region in the store organizational hierarchy.

Region: The name of the selected region. A region is the level above a store and below a division in the store organizational hierarchy.

Division: The name of the selected division. A division is the level above a region and below the country in the store organizational hierarchy.

Employee ID: The unique identification number of the employee.

Employee: The name of the employee.

Customer ID: The unique identification number of the customer.

Customer Name: The name of the customer.

Location: The selected division, region, district, or store.

Conversion %: The percentage of unique customers outreached that resulted in a sale.

Order Date: The date the order was created.

Order Store ID: The unique identifier of the store that the order was placed with.

Order Store Name: The name of the store that the order was placed with.

Outreach Store ID: The unique ID of the store from which the outreach occurred.

Outreach Store Name: The name of the store from which the outreach occurred.

Local Currency: The value in local currency.

USD: The value of the order in USD (United States Dollar).

Definitions of metrics in the Follow-ups dashboard

The Follow-ups dashboard displays data regarding sales that were influenced by Clienteling follow-ups.

Below you can find definitions for terms used in the Follow-ups dashboard.

Total Created: The total number of created follow-ups.

Follow-Ups Overdue: The total number of follow-ups that are past their due date. Orders completed using the Tulip platform automatically generate follow-up due dates for 2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months post-purchase.

Follow-Ups Completed: The total number of completed follow-ups.

Tulip Influenced Sales (TIS): The total value of sales influenced by Tulip Clienteling actions. Tulip Influenced Sales are calculated using a 14 day attribution period (retailers can choose their own attribution window) following a Clienteling action. Sales within this period are attributed to the store associate who performed the action and considered to be Tulip Influenced Sales. Example: A customer receives an email sent via Clienteling. A week later, they make a purchase. This is considered a TIS.

Created: The total number of follow-ups that were created within the specified time window.

Completed: The total number of follow-ups that were completed within the specified time window.

Overdue: The total number of follow-ups that were due within the specified time window that have not been completed or removed. Orders completing using the Tulip platform automatically generate follow-up due dates for 2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months post-purchase.

Location: The selected division, region, district or store.

Follow-ups Total: The total number of created, completed, and overdue follow-ups.

Removed: The total number of follow-ups that were removed.

Overdue %: The percentage of the total number follow-ups that are overdue. Orders completed using the Tulip platform automatically generate follow-up due dates for 2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months post-purchase.

Completed %: The percentage of the total number of follow-ups that were completed within the specified time window.

Total Tulip Influenced Sales: The total value of sales influenced by Tulip Clienteling actions. See Tulip Influenced Sales for more information.

TIS Contribution: The contribution, in percentage, towards the total Tulip Influenced Sales.

Order ID: The unique identification number of the order.

Order Date: The date the order was created.

Order Store ID: The unique identifier of the store that the order was placed with.

Order Store Name: The name of the store that the order was placed with.

Outreach Store ID: The unique ID of the store from which the outreach occurred.

Outreach Store Name: The name of the store from which the outreach occurred.

District: The name of the selected district. A district is the level above a store and below a region in the store organizational hierarchy.

Region: The name of the selected region. A region is the level above a store and below a division in the store organizational hierarchy.

Division: The name of the selected division. A division is the level above a region and below the country in the store organizational hierarchy.

Employee ID: The unique identification number of the employee.

Employee: The name of the employee.

Customer ID: The unique identification number of the customer.

Customer Name: The name of the customer.

Follow-ups ID: The unique identification number of the follow-up.

Follow-ups Types: The type of follow-up (post-purchase, birthday, etc).

Follow-ups Date: The date that the follow-up occurred on.

Local Currency: The value in local currency.

USD: The value in USD (United States Dollar).