
In-Store Pickup

Refers to when an Order is to be received by the customer in-store.

Curbside Pickup

Refers to when an order is to be received by the customer in their vehicle in a designated spot.

Retailer Code

Refers to the first part of a retailer’s Tulip URL (ex. Tulip URL is:, then Retailer Code is “petal”) that is used in the first step of logging into Tulip Fulfillment.

A.k.a “Tenant ID”


An individual employed by a retailer.


Refers to the specific request for products made by a customer to the retailer.

New Menu

Contains Orders that have been sent to a store and are ready to be picked.

In Progress Menu

Contains Orders that an associate has started picking for but are not complete.

Problem Orders Menu

Contains Orders that have an issue that disallows them from being completed, and need to be managed before they can proceed.

Ready for Pickup Menu

Contains Orders ready that are packed and waiting for a customer to come to pick it up In Store or at Curbside.

Customer Waiting Menu

Contains only Curbside orders. Once a customer has indicated that they have arrived to pick up a “Ready for Pickup” order, the order will enter into this state indicating that the customer has arrived and is waiting.

Ready to Ship Menu

Contains Orders that have been packed and now need to be shipped using a shipping carrier.

Shipped Menu

Contains orders scheduled for delivery that have been shipped.

All Orders Menu

A complete list of all Orders for the store.


The act of an associate finding items required to fulfill an Order.

Order Items

The individual products that make up an Order.

Order Details page

The page that opens when a user clicks on an Order - displays.