Install as Shopify App

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In progress

Step 1 - Set up Local Shipping Options for your Store

  1. Go to your Shopify Admin
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Go to Locations

  4. Create separate locations for each one of your fulfillment centers / stores.

Note: You can sort the locations by fulfillment priority at the bottom of the screen. Shopify will automatically route orders the right location, based on inventory. To learn more about how Shopify routes and prioritizes fulfillment centers read the following article: Setting up your Locations in Shopify

Step 2 - Install the App

  1. Search the Shopify App Store for “Tulip Store Pickup + Curbside
  2. Install the Tulip App named “Tulip Store Pickup + Curbside.”
  3. Find the newly installed app in Settings → Apps

The Tulip Store Pickup + Curbside app will automatically synchronize with your Tulip Store, pre-set up locations (stores) and, behind the scenes, connect the App to Shopify via APIs.

Step 3 - Set up Curbside Pickup (Optional)

If you would like to enable curbside pickup for your store, you will need to setup the curbside pickup form that get sent to the customer.

Tulip allows you to use a third-party form provider to manage this custom form. For example you could use Zoho Forms. When an order is ready for pickup, Tulip Fulfillment will send an email to the customer with a link to that form.

In order to set up the curbside pickup form, you need to provide this link in “Curbside Configuration” section of Fulfillment Admin:

Tulip interacts with a form provider by sending parameters to the form in order to send it the data necessary to set up the form, and then when the customer fills out the form, the cloud form provider you use needs to call back to Tulip (through a “webhook”) with specific parameters to the Webhook POST URL shown in the screen above.

To connect to a third party form provider, a bit of technical knowledge is required in order to connect the two sides. You may need help from someone with a IT background to perform the following optional steps.

How Tulip Connects to a Third Party Form Provider

The form provider you use needs to accept the following parameters as part of the URL and can pass them back in the POST to Webhook Listener.

key: Unique for each order
orderId: Order Number
customerName: (Optional) can be passed, in case you wish to display it somewhere within the form.

The address where the form system you use needs to send data back to the Webhook POST URL shown on the screen above. The form system will need to send the data back with the information collected from the waiting customer.

Supported Content Types:


Expected POST body:

"orderId" : "OrderId (as passed originally in the form URL)",
"key" : "key (as passed originally in the form URL)",
"customerName" : "Customer Name  (if required, colelcted in form)",
"vehicleLicense" : "Vehicle License Plate  (if required, colelcted in form)",
"parkingLot" : "Parking Spot Number (if required, colelcted in form)"

When making the POST to the Webhook POST URL, your form will also need to include Authorization header, where you will need to include the Authentication Token, matching the one generated via “Generate Token” button in Curbside Pickup Configuration section, e.g.:

Authorization: Bearer abcd1234

Within Curbside Pickup Configuration section you can also decide if you want your associates to collect signatures, or require to validate government IDs during the pickup.

Step 4 - Set up Shipping - only applicable if you are doing Ship from Store

See Shippo Setup Instructions here

Step 5 - Create a Test Order

Create a test order in your Shopify store and then ensure it appears in Tulip Fulfillment.