Shippo Setup

In order to use Tulip Fulfillment to ship from store, including printing shipping labels, you will need to connect your account to Shippo.

This is an optional step. For retailers who will be using Tulip Fulfillment to only track their pick-pack process, or who are using a separate shipping system, you can skip this step.

When you sign up for an account, you can setup the shipping options you wish to support, as well as including your existing account numbers with major carriers in order to get the best rates possible.

Tulip Fufillment is pre-integrated into Shippo so the work required to connect them is as simple as getting a Shippo key from Shippo.

Steps to Connect

  1. Sign up for Shippo
  2. Generate Shippo Live Token in Settings → API

  3. Add the Shippo Key into Fulfillment Admin’s Shippo Key menu
  4. Set up Pre-defined Shipping Boxes that your stores will use (they can still create custom boxes for orders that don’t fit in a standard box)
  5. See here to for instructions on creating Shipping Boxes