HOW-TO: Configure LiveConnect Chat Features

Retailers can configure LiveConnect in the following ways:

OptionConfigurable Elements
Web Chat Away Mode
  • Enable or disable sending automated messages to customers when associates are unavailable or unresponsive.
  • Specify the unresponsive time (in seconds) before automated messages appear.
  • Invite customers to move a Web Chat conversation to SMS text.
Image Sharing
  • Enable or disable the ability to share images through LiveConnect messages.
Product Sharing
  • Enable or disable the ability to share product details through LiveConnect messages.
Sales Attribution
  • Enable or disable sales attribution for product links shared through LiveConnect messages.
Web Chat User Experience
  • Customize the look and feel of Web Chat on an ecommerce site to match the retailer’s brand.
Live Video Chats
  • Enable or disable the ability for store associates to start live video chats with customers directly from LiveConnect conversation across all supported channels, including Web Chat, WeChat, and WhatsApp.
  • Configure the maximum video chat session length. By default, video chat sessions can last up to 4 hours.