Integration with customer profiles in Clienteling

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When customers initiate chat with store associates through a retailer’s LiveConnect web chat widget or the retailer’s social chat accounts, the LiveConnect app on the associate’s device can link the chat sessions to the customer’s profile in Clienteling and save the chat logs in the Activity Log of the customer’s profile.

Profile creation or linking

Depending on whether the customer already has a profile in Clienteling, LiveConnect does one of the following:

Automatic linking of chat to a profile in Clienteling

When a customer initiates a LiveConnect chat session, they fill out a pre-chat capture form. Details from the form are then used to search for an existing customer profile. If both the customer’s full name and email address match a profile in Clienteling, their chat is linked to that profile. The customer is only linked to the profile if there is a single exact match.

For example, let’s say Jane Doe initiates a LiveConnect chat session. She provides her name as Jane Doe and her email address as in the pre-chat capture form. There’s a profile in Clienteling with the exact same name and email address. There are no other profiles with the same name or email. Therefore, LiveConnects detects that profile as an exact match and links Jane’s chat session to that profile in Clienteling. Her chat request is then routed to a store associate to begin the chat session.

Note: Any automatic linking occurs before the customer is routed to a store associate.

Manual linking of chat to a profile in Clienteling

If there isn’t a single exact profile match found in Clienteling, then LiveConnect searches the profiles for partial matches with the same customer name or email address. All partially matched profiles are displayed in the LiveConnect app for the store associate to review and choose one to link to. Or, the associate can manually search for and select a profile from the search results to link to.

For example, let’s say Jane Doe initiates a LiveConnect chat session. She provides her name as Jane D, and her email address as in the pre-chat capture form. Jane already has a profile in Clienteling, but since she only entered the first initial of her last name, her profile is found as a potential match. Jane is routed to the store associate to begin the chat session. The store associate can then review the potential match and choose to connect the chat session to it or search for the correct profile to link to that matches the information that she provides through the chat.

Option to create a new profile in Clienteling via LiveConnect

If LiveConnect cannot find any partial or exact profile matches in Clienteling, then the customer’s chat session is not linked to any profile. The customer is routed to a store associate to begin the chat session. The associate can then use the provided information from the pre-chat capture form or information gathered through the chat session itself to create a new customer profile in Clienteling via the LiveConnect app. Once the new profile is created, LiveConnect connects the customer to the new profile.

Chat log storage

After LiveConnect links a customer chat session to a profile in Clienteling in any of the ways listed above, the chat session between a store associate and the customer is stored in the Activity Log of the customer's profile.