HOW-TO: Sales Attribution


The concept of sales attribution centers around how to assign sales credit for key conversion touchpoints. Sales attribution data enables a brand to measure and review the effectiveness of their e-commerce conversions.

Tulip enables retailers to collect and analyze sales attribute data that is appended to product links shared by store associates through Tulip LiveConnect messages. Data collection and analysis is done using tools of the retailer’s choice. Tulip does not access or track this data on the retailer’s behalf.

Description of functionality

When store associates share product information with customers through LiveConnect channels, customers can choose to purchase the items through the retailer’s e-commerce site. When sales attribution is enabled, shared product links include sales attribution parameters appended to product URLs.

Sales Attribution URL Parameters

All or a combination of the following sales attribution parameters can be appended to every product URL:

utm_sourceIdentifies Tulip as the message sender
utm_mediumIdentifies Tulip LiveConnect as the communication method used
utm_channelIdentifies the LiveConnect message channel used as Web Chat, WeChat, or WhatsApp
storeIdentifies the store that the message was sent from
employeeIdentifies the store associate that sent the message by the employee’s external ID
product_codeIdentifies the product shared in the message (does not include product variant details)

With sales attribution, product links will look like this:

Each sales attribution parameter can be included or omitted individually. Parameters that are omitted are not included in product links.

Enable Sales Attribution

Retailers can work with Tulip to enable sales attribution in LiveConnect. Retailers must specify which parameters to append to product links. When enabled, sales attribution applies to all supported channels, including Web Chat, WeChat, and WhatsApp.