HOW-TO: LiveConnect Web Chat Widget

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Tulip LiveConnect Web Chat Widget connects customers visiting your e-commerce sites with retail store associates who are using the Tulip LiveConnect app on their iPhone or iPad.

LiveConnect Web Chat Message Flow diagram

Retailers can install the Web Chat widget on their e-commerce site to enable customers to chat with a local store associate while shopping on the site. The chat widget can be configured and customized to fit the retailer’s brand style guidelines.

Description of functionality

When a customer opens the chat widget for the first time, they’re prompted to provide their name and other configurable contact details. After providing their details, the customer will automatically be entered into the chat routing workflow to get connected to an associate at a nearby store.

Once a customer is successfully routed to a store’s Chat Requests queue, any associate from the store will be able to Accept the message and begin chatting with the customer. Customers can send text and upload photos through the web chat widget to communicate with the store associate.

All messages from web chat are indicated as such in the conversation window and in the conversations list, so associates will be able to clearly differentiate conversations on web chat from other channels.

Install LiveConnect Web Chat widget on your website

You can install this widget either via npm, using Google Tag Manager, or linked in HTML.

Prerequisites: Package Manager

Include the package in your project using npm:

npm i @tulipnpm/livechat@latest

Many e-commerce websites use Google Tag Manager to inject third-party JavaScript into their pages. This is the recommended distribution method of LiveConnect Web Chat.

To install LiveConnect using Google Tag Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Google Tag Manager and select your e-commerce site’s account.
  2. Create a new Tag of type Custom HTML.
  3. Paste the following code in the tag. Replace <INTEGRATION_ID> with your integration ID. Additional configurations can be made in the lwc_config object.
  4. <script src=""></script>
        tuliplivechat.init({ integrationId: '<INTEGRATION_ID>' });
  5. Create a Trigger for DOM Ready and link it to your Tag.
  6. Name and save the Tag.
  7. Preview and publish your changes.

Alternate option: Embed LiveChat directly into HTML

<script src=""></script>

Initiate the chat widget

Use the following configuration to initiate the chat widget:

tuliplivechat.init({ integrationId: '<INTEGRATION_ID>' });

Configure LiveConnect Web Chat widget

Configuration options are provided when initializing the widget with init({..})

The integrationId is also a configuration option. It identifies your widget to Tulip. Tulip provides you with this value when you purchase Tulip LiveConnect Web Chat.

Sample configuration code

var lwc = tuliplivechat;
var config = {
    integrationId: '<INTEGRATION_ID>',
    displayStyle: 'button',
    imageUploadEnabled: true,
    fixedIntroPane: false,
    buttonIconUrl: '',
    buttonWidth: '58px',
    buttonHeight: '58px',
    businessName: 'Retailer',
    businessIconUrl: '',
    customColors: {
        brandColor: 'ee3d50',
        conversationColor: '151043',
        actionColor: '333333',
        contactUsButtonColor: '452BD6'
    contactUsButtonUrl: '',

Configuration options

OptionRequired or OptionalDefault valueDescription
businessIconUrlOptionalA custom business icon url. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels and must be in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
businessNameOptionalA custom business name
buttonHeightOptional58pxWhen the displayStyle is button, you have the option of specifying the button height.
buttonIconUrlOptionalWhen the displayStyle is button, you have the option of selecting your own button icon. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels and must be in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
buttonWidthOptional58pxWhen the displayStyle is button, you have the option of specifying the button width.
contactUsButtonUrlOptionalLink to a Contact Us page
customColorsOptionalSee detail belowColors used in the LiveConnect Web Chat UI.
customTextOptionalSee details belowLanguage and text used in the LiveConnect Web Chat UI.
displayStyleOptionalbuttonChoose how the widget will appear on your website. Must be either 'button' or 'tab'. When tab selected, it’ll appear as a pane at the bottom.
fixedIntroPaneOptionalfalseWhen enabled, the introduction pane will be pinned at the top of the conversation instead of scrolling with it
imageUploadEnabledOptionaltrueEnables the image upload feature. (deprecated: use menuItems.imageUpload; if this option is false, it will disable menuIt ems.imageUpload and menuItems.fileUpload)
prechatCaptureOptionalSee detail belowEnables automatically capturing a user's name and email via a form before the start of a conversation. Disables the chat input until the form has been submitted.
browserStorageOptionallocalStorageSee details below. Controls the longevity of the users session. Options are either localStorage or sessionStorage
soundNotificationEnabledOptionalfalseWhen enabled, plays a notification sound when the user receives a message
awayModeOptionalSee details belowControls the behaviour when an associate is unresponsive to a customer
integrationOrderRequiredOrder of third party integrations to connect to during away mode. Speak to Tulip to get the identifiers for each integration
afterLoadCallbackOptionalA method that can be run after the initalization of a widget
saveOpenStateOptionaltrueWhen enabled, will open or close the chat window based on the state of the chat window on the previous page
cssOverwritePathOptionalPath to a CSS file that can be applied to the chat window and widget. See below for details
supportedLanguagesOptionalAll supported languagesSee details below
fallbackLanguageCodeOptionalen-USSee details below

Child options of customColors

OptionRequired or OptionalDefault valueDescription
brandColorOptionalee3d50This color will be used in the messenger header and the button or tab in idle state. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.
conversationColorOptional151043This color will be used for customer messages, quick replies and actions in the footer. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.
actionColorOptional333333This color will be used for call-to-actions inside your messages. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.

Capture user data before chat start

Prechat Capture allows you to capture a user’s data, like name and email, before the start of a conversation.

When configured, the chat input is initially disabled and the user is greeted by a welcome message and a form asking for their name.

Once the form is successfully submitted, a thank you message is sent to the user and the conversation is then initialized, connecting the user to your business.

prechatCaptureGreetingTextText for the initial greeting message.
prechatCaptureNameLabelLabel displayed for the default form's first field.
prechatCaptureNamePlaceholderPlaceholder for the default form's first field.
prechatCaptureEmailLabelLabel displayed for the default form's second field.
prechatCaptureEmailPlaceholderPlaceholder for the default form's second field.
prechatCaptureConfirmationTextText for the confirmation message sent when the form is completed.
prechatCaptureMailgunLinkingConfirmationText for the notification message when a user has linked their email address.

Child options of prechatCapture

OptionRequired or OptionalDefault valueDescription
enabledOptionaltrueEnables the prechat capture experience.
fieldsOptionalOverrides the default Prechat Capture fields.

Attributes of prechatCapture.fields

AttributeRequired or OptionalDescription
typeRequiredSpecifies the type of field. Options are text, email, select
nameRequiredSpecifies the name of the field. Each field name must be unique per form. Maximum length of 128 characters.
labelRequiredSpecifies what label the field will be displayed with. Maximum length of 128 characters.
placeholderOptionalSpecifies the placeholder text of the field that will be rendered. Maximum length of 128 characters.
minSizeOptionalText field only. Specifies the minimum possible length of the response. Defaults to 1 if not specified.
maxSizeOptionalText field only. Specifies the maximum possible length of the response. Defaults to 128 if not specified.
optionsOptionalSelect field only. Array of option objects (see below) that can be selected. The array is limited to 20 options.

Sample code: prechatCapture configuration

config.prechatCapture: {
    enabled: true,
    enableEmailLinking: true,
    fields: [
        type: 'email',
        name: 'email',
        label: 'prechatCaptureEmailLabel',
        placeholder: 'prechatCaptureEmailPlaceholder',
        type: 'text',
        name: 'name',
        label: 'prechatCaptureNameLabel',
        placeholder: 'prechatCaptureNamePlaceholder',
        type: 'select',
        name: 'country',
        label: 'prechatCaptureCountryLabel',
        placeholder: 'prechatCaptureCountryPlaceholder',
        options: [
                name: 'us',
                label: 'United States',
                name: 'ca',
                label: 'Canada',

Overriding default text

In order to override the text that you set in a prechatCapture configuration, you must have a customText configuration as well. For more details, see

Customizing UI Text. The value of the label or placeholder must match the key of whatever is in the customText configuration for it to change.

For example: if you wanted to change the name object in the fields list of a prechatCapture config and you wanted to customize the label’s text in two different languages, you would have an additional config that would look like:

config.customText: {
    'en-US': {
        prechatCaptureNameLabel: 'this is an overridden name label',
    'fr': {
        prechatCaptureNameLabel: 'ceci est une étiquette de nom remplacée',

Note: The key prechatCaptureLabel is the same as the value in the config.preCapture object for the name label. If they don’t match, it displays the text of whatever the value is in the prechatCapture object. If they match, then the text is customized based on what language the user is in.

Default prechatCapture configuration code

    enabled: true,
    fields: {
        type: 'text',
        name: 'name',
        label: 'prechatCaptureNameLabel',
        placeholder: 'prechatCaptureNamePlaceholder'

Handle situations when store associates are unavailable

When enabled, away mode will display a message to the user informing them that there are no associates able to chat currently after a certain period of time without a response. Away mode takes in two object arguments: pooledConversations and assignedConversations. The split in configurations is to allow for different behaviour between conversations that are assigned to an associate and ones that have not been accepted by anyone.

The customer can also be prompted to transfer the conversation to a third party integration. This enables the conversation to continue off of the web chat. If a conversation is switched to a third party channel, the away messages are not sent.

AttributeRequired or OptionalDefault valueDescription
enabledOptionalfalseWhen enabled, it will turn on away mode polling.
unresponsiveTimeOptionalnullNumber of seconds without a message from an associate before showing the away mode message for conversations.
showChannelSwitchPromptsOptionaltrueControls whether to show the prompt to move conversation to a third party channel or not.

Sample code: Away Mode configuration

awayMode: {
    pooledConversations: {
        enabled: true,
        unresponsiveTime: 60,
        showChannelSwitchPrompt: true
    assignedConversations: {
        enabled: true,
        unresponsiveTime: 600,
        showChannelSwitchPrompt: false

Modify user identity storage behavior of browsers

By default, LiveConnect Web Chat will store the identity of users in the localStorage of the browser. Using localStorage will persist the user identity throughout browser sessions, including page reloads and browser restarts.

To clear the user identity once the browser is closed, use sessionStorage instead. To learn more about Web Storage, see Web Storage API reference on

Activate embedded mode

As described above, to activate the embedded mode, call the embed method after running your init function. This method accepts the DOM ID of the element which will be used as the container where the widget will be rendered. The embedded widget will take the full width and height of the container.

    integrationId: '<integration-id>'


Use custom CSS

To apply your own custom CSS to our default elements, we allow for passing in a URL to a hosted CSS file using the cssOverwritePath configuration. This CSS file will be added to the styles used on the widget as well as the chat window. Changes to the styling can be made by using the classes and IDs on the HTML elements that already exist and modifying the properties.

For example, if you wanted to make the chat window have no border radius you could apply the following to your hosted CSS file.

#container #wrapper {
	border-radius: 0px !important;

API reference

You can interact with the chat widget using the following exposed methods:

  • openChatWindow
  • closeChatWindow
  • removeChatWidget
  • hideChatBubble
  • showChatBubble
  • isConversationActive
  • setChatWindowStyle

Opens the conversation widget. This method takes an optional boolean parameter. If the parameter is true, we will open the chat window and if it is false, we will close the chat window.



Closes the conversation widget.


removeChatWidget Removes the chat widget from the DOM. Will need to be re-initialized if needed again.


hideChatBubble Hides the chat widget from the DOM by changing the display on #web-messenger-container.


showChatBubble Shows the chat widget to the DOM by changing the display on #web-messenger-container to block. Does not make the chat widget appear after running removeChatWidget. This method takes an optional boolean parameter. If the parameter is true, we will show the chat bubble and if it is false, we will hide the chat bubble.


isConversationActive Returns a boolean whether the current conversation is active or not.


setChatWindowStyle Takes in an object of CSS key to value pairs and applies the styles to the chat window.

    height: '90%',
    padding-left: '10%'

Customizing UI text

Below is the list of customizable text strings that can be modified.

If an option is not given a custom string, the default value will be used.

OptionDefault value
actionPostbackErrorAn error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.
awayModeMessageAssignedHi {customerName}, I am currently unavailable to respond to your message. If you leave your phone number, I will get back to you as soon as possible.
awayModeMessagePooledHi {customerName}! It appears that none of our associates are currently available. If you'd like to leave us a message and your phone number, an associate will get back to you as soon as possible.
clickToRetryMessage not delivered. Click to retry.
clickToRetryFormForm not submitted. Click anywhere on the form to retry.
connectNotificationSingleButtonTextSwitch to
contactUsButtonTextContact Us
conversationTimestampHeaderFormatMMMM D YYYY, h:mm A
couldNotConnectCouldn't connect. You can {retry}.
couldNotConnectInnerretry connecting now
couldNotConnectWithRetryCouldn't connect. We'll keep retrying, or you can {retry}.
couldNotConnectWithRetryInnertry now
emailChangeAddressChange my email
emailDescriptionTo be notified by email when you get a reply, enter your email address.
emailFieldLabelYour email
emailFieldPlaceholderYour email address
fetchHistoryLoad more
fetchingHistoryRetrieving history...
fileTooLargeErrorMax file size limit exceeded ({size})
fileTypeErrorUnsupported file type.
formErrorInvalidEmailEmail is invalid
formErrorNoLongerThanMust contain no more than ({characters}) characters
formErrorNoShorterThanMust contain at least ({characters}) characters
formErrorUnknownThis doesn't look quite right
formFieldSelectPlaceholderFallbackChoose one...
frontendEmailChannelDescriptionTo talk to us using email just send a message to our email address and we'll reply shortly:
headerMessageStart chatting live with an associate, or reach out to customer support using the link below.
headerTextHow can we help?
imageClickToReloadClick to reload image.
imageClickToViewClick to view {size} image.
imagePreviewNotAvailablePreview not available.
inputPlaceholderType a message...
inputPlaceholderBlockedComplete the form above...
introAppTextMessage us below or from your favourite app.
introductionTextWe're here to talk, so ask us anything!
linkErrorAn error occurred when attempting to generate a link for this channel. Please try again.
messageErrorAn error occurred while sending your message. Please try again.
messageIndicatorTitlePlural({count}) New messages
messageIndicatorTitleSingular({count}) New message
messageRelativeTimeDay{value}d ago
messageRelativeTimeHour{value}h ago
messageRelativeTimeJustNowJust now
messageRelativeTimeMinute{value}m ago
messageTimestampFormath:mm A
messengerChannelDescriptionConnect your Facebook Messenger account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on Facebook Messenger.
notificationSettingsChannelsDescriptionYou can also talk to us from your favourite app or service.
notificationSettingsChannelsTitleOther Channels
notificationSettingsConnectedAsConnected as {username}
prechatCaptureGreetingTextPlease fill out the form to get connected with an associate.
prechatCaptureNamePlaceholderEnter your name
prechatCaptureConfirmationTextThanks! We are attempting to find an associate for you.
prechatCaptureMailgunLinkingConfirmationYou'll be notified here and by email at {email} once we reply.
shareLocationShare location
smsBadRequestErrorWe were unable to communicate with this number. Try again or use a different one.
smsChangeNumberChange my number
smsChannelDescriptionConnect your SMS number to be notified when you get a reply and continue the
smsChannelPendingDescriptionCheck your messages at {number} to confirm your phone number.
smsInvalidNumberErrorYour phone number isn't valid. Please try again.
smsLinkCancelledLink to {appUserNumber} was cancelled.
smsPingChannelErrorThere was an error sending a message to your number.
smsSendTextSend me a text
smsStartTextingStart Texting
smsTooManyRequestsErrorA connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in
smsTooManyRequestsOneMinuteErrorA connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in 1 minute.
smsUnhandledErrorSomething went wrong. Please try again.
tapToRetryMessage not delivered. Tap to retry.
tapToRetryFormForm not submitted. Tap anywhere on the form to retry.
unsupportedMessageTypeUnsupported message type.
unsupportedActionTypeUnsupported action type.
uploadInvalidErrorInvalid file.
uploadPhotoUpload photo.
uploadVirusErrorA virus was detected in your file and it has been rejected


Customizable strings in customText can be localized. They are contained in an object that has the locale as its key.

var textValues = {
    'en-US': {
        headerText: 'Hello!'
    'fr-FR': {
        headerText: 'Bonjour!'

The browser’s language (navigator.language) is used to determine which translation to provide. en-US is the fallback default.

Supported languages

English (USA) - Defaulten-US
French (Canadian)fr-CA
Chinese (Simplified)zh-CN
Chinese (Hong Kong)zh-HK
Chinese (Taiwan)zh-TW

Change supported languages

By default, all the languages above are supported by the web chat widget. If you only want to support a specific set of languages, simply include the supportedLanguages field with an array of the language codes you want to continue to support. If the customer’s browser is not in a language that is supported, the widget will default to the fallbackLanguageCode.

NOTE: The fallback language code must be included in the supported languages array

    integrationId: '<INTEGRATION_ID>',
    fallbackLanguageCode: 'fr'
    supportedLanguages: ['fr', 'it', 'de']

Sample code: customizing strings

var textValues = {
    'en-US': {
        prechatCaptureGreetingText: 'Please fill out the form to get connected with a fashion advisor.',
        prechatCaptureConfirmationText: 'Thanks for that, so good. We are attempting to find a fashion advisor for you.',
        headerText: 'Haute Couture Inc.'

    integrationId: '<INTEGRATION_ID>',
    customText: textValues

Customize the Contact Us button

To change the text above the ‘Contact Us’ button, modify the headerMessage key in your custom text overwrites. You can also change the text of the button by changing the contactUsButtonText key.

var textValues = {
    'en-US': {
        headerMessage: 'Custom text above button.',
        contactUsButtonText: 'Click here for service'

    integrationId: '<INTEGRATION_ID>',
    customText: textValues

If you do not want a ‘Contact Us’ button, simply remove the contactUsButtonUrl from the widget configuration. Now, instead of showing the button, we will show the text configured for introductionText.