Most recent updates in Tulip Apps

On this page you can find information about recent updates to Tulip apps.


Multi-select custom field

Multi-select is now an available format for custom fields in the Appointments widget booking. Retailers can configure the multi-select custom field in Tulip admin console by going to Connect > Appointments, and then creating or editing a multi-select custom field.

This multi-select custom field can be used to ask questions to customers where more than one option is able to be selected.

In-app booking management

There are updates on how users book and view appointments and what appointment details are displayed.

Also, which appointments are displayed is based off of the role of the user. Store managers can switch between viewing all of the store’s scheduled appoitnment’s and appointments only assigned to them. Store associates can only view apointments assigend to themselves.


Cash drawer support

Cash drawer support is now available in the Tulip Checkout app. Store associates can connect and manage printer-driven cash drawers.

Associates can perform the following cash drawer management tasks:

  • Start a cash drawer session and specify the opening amount
  • End a cash drawer session and specify the ending amount as well as any discrepancy amount
  • Audit a cash drawer amount at any time
  • Perform a No Sale event such as opening the cash drawer
  • Perform a Pay In event for a cash drawer
  • Perform a Pay Out event for a cash drawer
  • View sessions and events associated with a cash drawer in its activity log

Email receipts and printed receipts now display the timezone along with the correct timestamp of the purchase. Receipts are available for customers as email or print receipts.

VAT registration number on receipts

Retailers with store operations in countries that use value-added tax (VAT) can now show their VAT registration number on emailed receipts, printed receipts as well as Remote Pay emails.

Only one VAT number can be configured per tenant.

Remote Pay by SMS

Store associates can now accept payments for orders via SMS through the Remote Pay by Link feature. After selecting the Remote Pay via SMS option based on the Contact Preference specified, the customer’s phone number will receive two messages: a configurable text message and the payment link.

Associates will be able to see the payment method, card details, and customer phone number on the Order Details page.

  • These text messages cannot be greater than 160 characters. The default expiry
  • The default expiry of the payment URLs is 48 hours.

Stacked item and order level discounts

Store associates can apply multiple currency ($) and percentage (%) order and item level discounts.

When applying a discount to an item or an order, associates must specify a reason for applying the discount. Discounts are displayed on both receipts and order details, but the discount reason is only displayed on order details.

When applying multiple order discounts there is a priority order in which they are applied. Firstly, percentage discounts are applied prior to any currency/specific amount discounts. If multiple discounts of the same type (percentage or amount) are applied, then the order they are applied to is based on the order they were applied.

Add content to notes associated with orders

Store associates can add information or comments to multiple notes associated with an order. These notes can be viewed while reviewing the order history.

“Subtotal” title change

The Subtotal in the minicart is now called Item Total.

Commissioned associates

Associates are now able to attribute themselves and other associates to items in an order, so that the associates can assign and split commissions that they have earned with an order.

Configure the viewing of orders placed outside of Tulip in Order History

A retailer can import orders that are placed outside Tulip. There must be an ability for retailer to configure whether these orders must or must not be displayed in the Assisted Selling app.


Black Book is now called Client Book

All instances of the term “Black Book” have been changed to “Client Book” throughout the app.

Information about customer’s preferred store and preferred sales associate

Customer profiles can now include information about customers’ preferred retail stores and outlet stores. It can also include their preferred retail store associates and outlet store associates. (Customer Assigned Entities)

Information about the logged-in store associate

The name, role, and store of the currently logged-in associate are now displayed in the settings side menu, on the advisor page, and the associate profile page.

Default social app phone number types

Added ability in Admin Console to set up the default phone number type for any social app (such as WhatsApp, WeChat) so that one can identify and display the social app numbers in case it’s not explicitly available on the customer CRM side.

Important dates on Customer Capture Form

Store associates are now able to add important dates such as birthday, anniversaries, or custom dates on the customer capture form.

  • Min and Max limit for each date is as specified in DB/AC.
  • The default value for the date will be a blank value.
  • User can add Date, Month and Year for each date type.

Configurations for limiting the type and number of custom important dates

Customers can configure if store associates are able to create custom important dates and also limit the number of custom dates they can create per customer.

Customers can do this by adding important_dates_custom_date_limit configuration in the Admin Console for Clienteling. Here are the possible values:

  • Specify 0 to disable the ability for store associates to create custom important dates.
  • Specify any number to set it as the maximum number of custom important dates a store associate can create.
The default value is 99.

Year included in Important Dates

Store associates can specify the year when adding an important date.

Search using external ID (CRM ID)

Sales associates can search for clients using external ID (CRM ID).

Employee Timekit End-point

Users can sync employee data to a Timekit resource and each employee can have their own project created.

Added support for externalIDs into the hook

Extra support for the addition of externalID of addresses and externalID of phones into the hook.

Requires iOS 13 or higher.


LiveConnect integration with LINE Messenger APP

Retailers can configure LiveConnect to work with the Messenger APP from LINE.

LiveConnect interoperability with customer profiles in Clienteling

When customers initiate chat with store associates through a retailer’s LiveConnect web chat widget or the retailer’s social chat accounts, the LiveConnect app on the associate’s device is now able to link the customers to their profiles in the Clienteling app.

The linking to customer profiles work in the following ways:

Automatic linking to a Clienteling profile

Existing Clienteling customers using LiveConnect chat sessions will be automatically linked to their Clienteling profile. There must be a full match between a Clienteling profile and the customer’s information provided in the pre-chat capture form.

Any automatic linking occurs before the customer is routed to a store associate.
Manual linking to a Clienteling profile

If the customer is not automatically linked and there are potential matches found, the store associate can manually search or review the potential profile matches, and then link a customer to an existing Clienteling profile.

Creating a new Clienteling customer profile via LiveConnect

If the customer doesn’t have an existing Clienteling profile, they will fill out a customer capture form. The store associate can then create a new Clienteling profile for the customer. Once the profile is created, the client is automatically linked to the new profile.

Saving LiveConnect chat session in Clienteling

LiveConnect chat sessions are saved in the Activity Log of the customer’s linked Clienteling profile.

Geolocation based chat routing

Retailers can configure LiveConnect to automatically route customer-initiated chat requests based on the customer’s geolocation. They can choose between two strategies for prioritizing the routing:

Availability First routes the chat to the first available store associate within the maximum routing range selected by the retailer. Closest Store First routes the chat to the closest store with an available store associate. If there are no associates available at the closest store, then the search proceeds with the next closest store. This search continues until the customer is connected with an available associate.

  • Geolocation based chat routing is available for LiveConnect web chat mode only.
  • A customer needs to allow sharing of their location to use this feature.

Message deletion in a conversation

Store associates are now able to delete messages in a LiveConnect conversation. Long press on the target message to access this option, then select a reason for deletion.

Twilio Chatbot data sync enhancements

Twilio chatbot data syncing script was failing if the data batch was too large. Now, the script is refactored to make async calls (and run them in the background), and store responses in a database.

Requires iOS 13 or higher.