Request Management Features for Store Associates and Runners

What’s on this page?

Overview: Create a runner request, make edits in real time, and view runner progress.

Request a runner from the catalog

  • The integrated Runner App features a one-touch Request for Runner button on product information pages.
  • Tapping this button sends product details to the device, including product name, picture, and price.
  • In addition, product inventory counts, inventory location, SKU, UPC, or variant details like size or colour can also be sent.

Desired destination

  • When an Associate creates a runner request, they can select where to deliver the desired item to the shopper.
  • Managers can manage the list of available destinations to ensure that delivery destinations reflect the most current store floor layout.

Personalize runner requests with notes

  • When an Associate initiates a runner request, they can include a note to personalize the shopper’s product request. 
  • For example, the Associate can request that the Runner bring along related products in addition to the original request.

Preview the request with the shopper & send

  • Associates can review and confirm the details of their request with the shopper shoulder-to-shoulder before sending it off.
  • Runners are notified of new requests via push notifications to the device.

Review open & completed requests

Associates see a split view of their runner requests where they can switch between Open and Completed requests.

Open requests are either:

  • Unassigned and waiting for a Runner
  • OR claimed by a Runner and currently In-Progress

Completed requests are either:

  • Successfully found and marked as delivered
  • OR they can be marked as:
    • Cancelled
    • Timed-out (after 4 hours)
    • Unavailable (because of inventory issues)

View associate runner requests

Associates can view their own runner requests in one of 2 ways:

  • In an Open or Completed tile view
  • OR in a detailed view by tapping a tile

Tile views show whether the request is accepted by a Runner or remains unassigned. 

  • A timestamp indicates the age of the initial request.
  • A snapshot of the requested item’s details includes an image and title.

Detailed views feature additional request and product information, including:

  • The product’s name and image
  • Request timestamp
  • Requestor’s name
  • Request status
  • Requested destination
  • Product SKU and UPC details
  • Variant details

Edit a runner request

Associates can change a request after sending it by tapping a tile view, opening the detailed view, and editing runner request details.

  • Associates can change the desired destination, update notes, or cancel the request.
  • To change the requested item, Associates must make a new request from the product information page in the catalog.

Runners are notified changes to in-flight requests or request cancellations via push notifications to the device.

Request management as a runner

Quick Summary: Accept requests, find requested items, and deliver items to requesters & shoppers.

Review open, in-Progress, & completed runner requests

Runners see a split view of incoming requests where they can switch between Open, In-Progress, or Completed requests.

  • Open requests are ready for Runners to accept.
  • In-Progress requests have been accepted by Runners and are currently being found & retrieved for Shoppers.

Completed requests show delivered items and resolution status.

View open ounner requests

Runners can view requests in one of 2 ways:

  • In an Open tile view
  • OR in a detailed view by tapping a tile

Tile views present the Runner with request details, the age of the request, and a snapshot of item details including an image, title, and the requested destination selected by the Associate.

Detailed views feature additional request and product information, including:

  • The product’s name and image
  • Request timestamp
  • Requestor’s name
  • Request status
  • Requested destination
  • Product SKU and UPC details
  • Variant details

On Open requests, Runners tap Accept to pick up the request. Associates are notified of a Runner accepting their request via push notifications to the device.

View in-progress runner requests

Runners can view their in-progress requests in one of 2 ways:

  • In an In-Progress tile view
  • OR in a detailed view by tapping a tile

Tile views present the Runner with SKU information that offers a hint to where to find the item at a glance.

Detailed views feature the same request and product information available for Open requests:

Take action on in-progress requests

On In-Progress requests, Runners can specify their status by tapping Found or Not Available.

  • Marking an item as Found prompts the Runner to confirm that the item was found to avoid any miscommunication.
  • Marking an item as Unavailable prompts the Runner to provide a reason code for item unavailability. Reason codes include:
    • Missing
    • Damaged
    • Other (where the Runner can enter a specific reason, such as “item is already checked out”)
  • The reason code provided can be reported to inventory managers for further follow-up.

Associates are notified of a resolution to their request via push notifications to the device.

After a request is either Found or Unavailable, the Runner marks the item as Completed to push the request to the Completed view with a status tag on the resolution.

View completed runner requests

Runners can view their completed requests in one of 2 ways:

  • In a Completed tile view
  • OR in a detailed view by tapping a tile

Tile views present the Runner with a final status of the request as either Completed successfully (in green) or unsuccessful for some reason (in red or grey).

Detailed views feature the same request and product information available for Open and In-Progress requests