

This new standard of Core API was developed to standardize data ELT and integration with the Tulip platform. This standard is designed based on best practices, usage patterns and design styles. Some of the new features and improvements include:

  • Intuitive Errors Object
  • Expandable Resources
  • many more..

If you are using earlier versions of a Tulip Core API, don’t worry! Your existing integrations will not break. However, we recommend upgrading to the new standard to make integrating with Tulip even easier and faster than before.

REST Based

This standard is based on RESTful principles and design patterns. For background, REST stands for Representational State Transfer, and relies on stateless, client-to-server, cacheable communications using the HTTP protocol. All endpoints in the new standard accept and return data in JSON format making it friendly and human-readable.

REST is a very popular, flexible, and developer-friendly API architecture. Excellent tutorials and primers on using REST services are available for all languages.

Getting Started

Please follow this guide: Getting Started for a step by step walk-through to making your first API call.

Following is the link to our full API endpoint specification: API Reference. Endpoints adhering to the new standard can be accessed in the API referenc using the version dropdown (2022-08). Endpoints are marked as New Standard. Refer to the versioning documents for more details on how to access these new endpoints.