Async Bulk Operations

New standard of Core API offers the ability to perform bulk operations with the Async Bulk endpoints. These API endpoints are designed to reduce complexity when ingesting and modifying large volumes of data. When you submit a request to the endpoint, the Tulip backend system will process the request asynchronously **and **provide the results when completed. Currently, async bulk endpoints only support ingestion of 1000 records (business data objects) per API call. This record limit might not always be the case but exceptions will be clearly defined. The async bulk endpoints are tagged with Bulk in the API specification.

Data models currently supported with Async Bulk endpoints:

Async Bulk Ingestion Flow

  1. Submit a request to the async bulk endpoint for the business entities you are trying to create/modify. Refer to the Core API specification for routes and the valid request payload.

    Example: PUT/POST api/{version}/crm/customers/bulk

  2. After the request is submitted, the endpoint will run basic validation on the data provided in the request body. This basic validation covers:

    1. Max records allowed in a single async bulk request has not been exceeded (1000 records)
    2. Required fields have been provided
    3. Data is correctly formatted

    If basic validation fails, the endpoint will return a 422 response with the first encountered error described in the response body:

        "resource": null,
        "errors": [
                "message": "Customer is missing firstName field",
                "errorCode": "MissingRequiredField(s)",
                "moreInfo": "Please review the API specification for required fields for this endpoint."
  3. If basic validation succeeds, the endpoint will return a uuid which is a unique identifier of your bulk async job. This uuid can be used to poll the status of the job. Tulip backend systems will process the data and insert into the database semantically. During this part of the flow, errors can occur ingesting data/modifying existing data in Tulip which can be a result of semantic issues with the data provided. For example:

    1. externalId of a business data record already exists in Tulip
    2. Invalid address type entered for a Customer Address
    3. Invalid type supplied for the Customer Important Date

If your request payload contains erroneous data records, the Tulip backend systems will try to complete and ingest all valid business data records. When the job completes, the API will summarize all the errors (if any) that occurred during the import. This summary will be available to download via a link provided in the job response. (See flow stage 4)

  1. You are able to poll the status of your async bulk job by using the following endpoint:

    GET api/{version}/async/jobs/{uuid} where uuid is the unique identifier for the job

    "resource": {
      "uuid": "5d8c6b68-5683-46be-b8d9-9b6ccc2b9034",
      "entity": "customers", // this is the business entity you are working with
      "status": "COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS", 
      "outputFileUrl": "{uuid}/report", //null before completion
      "dateStarted": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "dateCompleted": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "dateCreated": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "dateModified": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "numRecordsSent": 1024, // total number of records sent in the request payload ( < 1000)
      "numRecordsSuccessfullyProcessed": 1024 //null before completion

Output File

The CSV output file will contain errors (if any) associated to the job. The file contains records (resources) that have failed and the reason why that record (resource) is failing (failureReason).

    "externalId already exists for this resource in Tulip","{\"firstName\":\"John\" ... }"
    "Invalid type field for Customer Address: lastname","{\"firstName\":\"Jane\" ... }"

Job Statuses

Possible status values for the async bulk job:

  • PENDING - job is being prepared for processing
  • INTERNAL_FAILURE - An internal unrecoverable error occurred while preparing the job for processing. Please contact Tulip for support
  • READY - job is ready to start
  • STARTED - the job has started
  • COMPLETED - job has completed successfully, all records were successfully imported
  • COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS - job has completed but some records were able to be imported but others had errors. Please review the output file for resource and its failureReason
  • FAILED - job has completed but all records in the payload have failed