Custom Attributes

Core API provides a mechanism for extending Tulip business data objects to reflect client-side specifics through custom attributes. These are general-purpose extensions to objects in the Tulip data model. They consist of two parts: attributes and attribute values, and are used to construct key-value pairs that can be attached to clients' business data records on the Tulip platform. Certain attributes are provided for business data objects out of the box as well.

Using Custom Attributes

Creating attributes and setting values follow the EAV (entity-attribute-value) pattern as described in the steps below:

  1. Create the keys of a new key/value pair to make that attribute available for a particular resource.This is done by making a POST call to an attribute’s crm/{resource}Attribute endpoint. For example, if you wanted to create attributes for a Customer object, you would use the following endpoint: /crm/customerAttributes

When creating attributes you can provide the following fields:

externalIdstringUnique identifier of the attributeY
typestringType of the attribute value: stringN
descriptionstringDescription of the attributeN
  1. Now that you have created the attribute entity, you are now able to assign this attribute to a record and the value associated to that record via the attributeValues field, using the POST or PUT call for the record.

For example: POST or PUT to crm/customers to access the attributes field which is nested inside the Customers object record.

The following fields are available when you are setting attribute values for the record:

valuestringThe value for the attribute.Y
attributeExternalIdstringUnique identifier of the attribute valueY
languageExternalIdstringAttribute values can be localized through this field to provide language context (need to create document for Localized Values).N (Optional)