Data Types

Core API supports a variety of data types for record fields and attributes. The data types are listed below along with more information regarding their format and logic.


Many entity records have date fields: dateCreated and dateModified.

The values for these fields are JSON strings with Z-normalized (UTC) RFC 3339 timestamp formatting. For example, “Wednesday, 27 October 2021 at 10:00:20 AM UTC” would be represented as:


Handling dates in endpoint requests

Date FieldPOST RequestsPUT Requests
dateCreatedThis field automatically set by Tulip upon creation to the current date/time. This cannot be changed.Cannot be modified.
dateModifiedSet to null when a record is created.Anytime the record is updated, this field reflects the date/time of that update.

Phone Numbers

Values of phone number fields must conform to the E.164 standard:

[+] [country code] [area code ] [local phone number] 

Countries and States/Provinces

Store and addresses records use countryCode and zoneCode .

Values of zoneCode (provinces/state) are a concatenation of country ISO code in ISO-3166-2 format and State/Province in ISO-3166-2 format:

"zoneCode": "US-NY"

Values of countryCode (countries) must conform to ISO-3166-3 format:

have the following fields:

"countryCode": "USA"