Making a Request

The below example will walk you through making a GET request using Tulip’s Core API.

Prerequisites for making a request with Postman

We will use Postman in this example as an HTTP client that facilitates making CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) requests on Tulip entities. To make a request with Postman on a Tulip entity, you will need 3 things:

  1. The Postman application
  2. An API key or OAuth 2.0 Token. You can follow the authentication page to obtain this. For this example, we will use an API key.
  3. The core API endpoints and Tulip environment you will be using. You can download the spec for the full set of currently supported endpoints by clicking Download OpenAPI spec at the top of this page.

Walkthrough - setting up your first request using Postman

  1. Begin by downloading the core API spec at the top of this page.

  2. Open the import the spec into Postman

  3. Once imported, you can expand the collection to explore the available request endpoints.

  4. You’ll notice the collection includes placeholders for the bearer token and the baseURL for your environment. To get up and running, we’ll need to assign those placeholders to use the appropriate values for your tenant (the tenant you’ve been set up with in Tulip). To do this, we will set up an environment.

  5. In postman, click the Environment button on the left panel.

  6. Click the + button to create a new environment.

  7. Set your environment name.

  8. Create environment variables for bearerToken and baseUrl:

    • The bearerToken is the token retrieved from Admin Console under Integrations -> API keys. You can find instructions on how to retrieve that token here. Add an entry for bearerToken in your environment variables and paste the token retrieved from Admin Console into the initial value section. It should autopopulate the Current Value.
    • The baseUrl is derived from the URL displayed near the top of this page. If you are on the staging server, your URL base URL is https://tulip-staging-{tenant}{version}, whereas if you are on the production server, your base URL is https://tulip-prod-{region}-{tenant}{version} (where region is one of the available Tulip server regions such as na, eu, de, or cn). The version is the version you choose to use for your integration (typically the most recent release)*. For instance, if your tenant was called mystore and you were testing in the staging environment on version 2022-08, your baseUrl would be If you were based on an environment running from the eu, once you move to production your baseUrl would be https://tulip-prod-{region}-{tenant}{version}. To make sure you are using the baseURL, you can use the dropdowns here to populate it appropriately.
  9. Save the environment variables.

  10. Select your newly created environment from the environment picker on the top right

  11. Return to your collection by selecting the Collections button on the left panel.

  12. Click the topmost folder Tulip Core API and click Authorization.

  13. Hover over {{bearerToken}} and verify that you see it populated.

  14. For this example, we will try to get a list of customers. Click customers -> Get all customers.

  15. Hover over baseUrl and verify that it is populated

  16. Make sure the params submenu is selected.

  17. Update the expand parameter. For this exercise, we will expand all, so replace <string> with all.

  18. Next, we’ll uncheck the query param to make it more likely that we retrieve customers in our initial test.

  19. Finally, we’ll click Send. This should retrieve a paginated list of customers.