Single vs. Bulk Endpoints

New standard of Core API surfaces two types of endpoints: Singleton and Bulk. Singleton endpoints only handle one entity as a time, while Bulk endpoints have the ability to handle multiple entities at a time.

Bulk endpoints are designed to provide developers with the ability to work with large amounts of business data records with minimal constraints with regards to data patterns and dependencies.

Functions you can perform with Bulk endpoints:

  • Create, retrieve and update business data records in bulk

  • Incorporate these endpoints into regular data maintenance procedures

  • Develop systems/software for integrating Tulip products and services into existing enterprise software infrastructures.

In the endpoint specification, the endpoints are differentiated as follows:

  • Singleton Endpoints
  • Bulk Endpoints

Note: The trailing /bulk at the end of the endpoint URL makes the endpoint a Bulk endpoint.

Only customer entities are currently supported for bulk entity functionality.

Bulk Endpoint Operations

Creating multiple entities (POST)

You are able to create multiple entities at a time with bulk endpoints by externalId . If the externalId of the entity you pass into the request already exists in your Tulip instance, then an error will be thrown similar to the one below:

An error occurred while processing the bulk request: Record with the 
idx_unique_external_id: 'example-external-id' already exists" 

Updating multiple entities (PUT)

You are able to update multiple entities at a time with bulk endpoints by externalId. If the externalId of the entity you pass into the request does not exist in your Tulip instance, then a new entity will be created.

More information regarding the request and response structures of single and bulk entities endpoints can be found in the [Tulip Core API Specification].