Understanding Record IDs

Business data records have two ID fields for identification, retrieval, and tracing: an id field and an externalID field.

An additional ID field may also be found, but only on customer records: the uuid field.

Field for Record IdentificationData TypeDescription
idpositive integerA unique key of a record; internal to the Tulip platform and generated upon the record’s creation.
Also referred to as internal ID
externalIdstringA record’s identifier that is external to the Tulip platform. For example, the externalId of a Product record might correspond to a SKU code for that product in a client’s system, while the externalId for a Country record would correspond to that country’s ISO 3166-1 code.
When included, it must always be sent in the request within quotes denoting a string.
uuid*stringA universally unique identifier of a record, generated upon the record’s creation. This identifier is read only and will always be unique.
*Limited to customer records only.

An externalID value is required to be unique for all data entities that are hosted in Tulip; however, the Bulk API service does not check for or enforce external ID uniqueness. The client must ensure to send records with unique externalIDs particularly when creating new records.

Either the id or externalId field must be specified on both GET (record retrieval) and PUT (record updating) routes. See Bulk Data Operations with Internal & External IDs.