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Bulk API Updates! What’s New?

Tulip platform is now better than ever. We support UPSERTS on most API, and are now hosted on a new flashy GCP platform.

The release of Bulk API is included in our latest platform version 7.0.

What’s New in Bulk API Version 7.0?

  • Multi-Catalog support: Tulip now allows for a retailer to send multiple catalog hierarchies so that Tulip Assisted selling app can show a navigation hierarchy relevant for a specific store (region)

  • Customer preference groups, preferences-values: A customer’s shopping preferences can be captured using a simple yet extensible set of name-value pairs of attributes organized in groups. This includes things like colour preferences, likes and dislikes, favourites brands, shopping categories or anything else that the Retailer decides to create to capture their Customer preferences on. Extensible and can be synchronized back to a master CRM. The accompanying Bulk API endpoints allow this data to be mastered in a parent CRM on retailer side that could send this data to Tulip.

  • Important Dates: New targets in bulk API allow for master CRM to send Tulip important dates specific to a Customer, like birthday, anniversaries or just any other date that could be surfaced or edited in Tulip

Major Features

  • V2 version of the API is now available
  • Performance improvements
  • CustomerPreference Groups/Values objects can now be fed from Client systems
  • Important (Special) dates supported in DAL
  • Multi-Catalog support coming in April 2020

High Level Technical Changes (Entities/Resources Supported)

  • catalogIds Array supported on following resources
    - Top level Categories
    - Products
    - Coming in a subsequent iteration to Multi-Catalog: Ability to connect Sub-Categories and Variants to mutliple catalogs.
  • catalogExternalIds
    - External (Client side) IDs support for Catalog identifiers
  • relatedProducts Array of related products to current product can be sent within the Product record
  • CustomerPreference, CustomerPreferenceGroup, CustomerPreferenceValue, CustomerPreferenceValueList
    Data supporting customer’s additional attributes can be now sent in to Tulip from external CRM systems.

  • ImportantDateType supports sending important dates from external systems into Tulip Customer record

  • CustomerRelatedProductListTypes supports setting a list type that enabled sending relatedProducts and relatedVariants associated to a specific customer.

Important Notes:

  • To upgrade from a previous version of Tulip to the latest release, Tulip must ensure that ALL of the retailer’s data entities' external IDs are unique in Tulip.
  • A V2 version of the API is now available that supports PUT requests via UPSERTS to avoid creating duplicate External reference numbers.

Migrating from Version 5.X or 6.X

If you are migrating from an older version of Bulk API, you will notice that in 7.0 there are many new objects and API available. But note also that the API you have today is backward compatible so if you do decide to gradually change with your data requests you are sending today, that’s totally fine.

Major differences and updates in Bulk API v5.X, 6.X and 7.0 include:


Major Features

  • Initial Support for API based data load
  • Most entities supported
  • No support for External (Client system) ID based updates
  • Support for Customer attributes on most objects

High Level Technical Changes (Entities/Resources Supported)

  • Initial support for Catalog resources (Entities) to be sent to Tulip using Bulk API.

CRM-Related Features

  • Initial support for CRM, resources (Entities) to be sent to Tulip using Bulk API.


Major Features

  • Added support for some objects for External ID based lookup. e.g. GET customerByExternalID
  • Support for Loyalty attributes

High Level Technical Changes (Entities/Resources Supported)

  • externalId Externally resolvable IDs on Resources like Price.

CRM-Related Features

  • Support for ingesting past purchases, payment information and other attributes with Resources related to orders (Previously not supported).
  • customerId Externally resolvable IDs on all CRM related entities.
  • 6.1 Supports LoyaltyTiers to be set in the API requests using the following keys: loyaltyTiers

Other Features

  • Ability to create Tulip users (Employees) using DAL. Files were the source prior to this version. Ability to enable or disable an associate account. NameID should match with the SAML response.