File Format - Customer Assigned Entities

Customer Associations File Format

The first line of a Customer Assigned Entities CSV file must be the header row.

A customer assigned entities instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. Note: Customer Assigned Entities file only support multi-row header format.

Required Headers

To successfully import a store CSV file, the following columns must be included in the header row:

Column NameDescriptionType
Customer Ref Num (Required)External ID of the customer
Must be unique
Outlet Employee Ref Num (Required)*External Id of the employee (Outlet)string
Retail Employee Ref Num (Required)*External Id of the employee (Retail)string
Retail Store Ref Num (Required)*External Id of the store (Retail)string
Outlet Store Ref Num (Required)*External Id of the store (Outlet)string