File Format - Customer Associations
Customer Associations File Format
The first line of a Customer Associations CSV file must be the header row.
A customer association instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. Note: Customer Associations file only support multi-row header format.
Required Headers
To successfully import a store CSV file, the following columns must be included in the header row:
Column Name | Description | Type |
Customer ID (Required) | Identification string for a store. Must be unique for every store | string |
Employee ID (Required)* | Employee’s unique ID. Also referenced in the employee’s data file. Required only if association is being created for the employee (e.g. BLACK_BOOK) | string |
Store ID (Required)* | Store’s unique ID. Also referenced in the store’s data file. Required only if association is being created for the store (e.g. STORE_WIDE) | string |
List Type (Required) | One of the values below: BLACK_BOOK - associate blackbookSTORE_WIDE - store book | string |