File Format - Customer Preferences

Customer Preferences File Format

The first line of a Customer Preferences CSV file must be the header row.

A customer association instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. Note: Customer Preferences file only support multi-row header format.


The following table shows the accepted CSV columns for the customer_preferences entity. Note that any columns including N denote a dynamic integer. A column specified as Field N signifies that you can use columns Field 1, Field 2, …, Field N to allow for multiple values per record of the given field, similar to an array.

CSV HeaderData TypeGroupRequiredDescription
Allow DislikesbooleanNoBoolean option to allow preference values to be assigned as a dislike
Allow Custom ValuesbooleanNoBoolean option to allow custom values in preference
DisabledbooleanNoWhether or not the Address is disabled
Preference IdstringYesExternal identifier of the record
Sort OrderintegerNoOrder in which options are displayed in picklist
Is FilterablebooleanNoBoolean option whether values are filterable for this preferece
Is Single SelectbooleanNoBoolean option to ensure values are single select (not multi select). This should never be updated from multi-select to single select
Display Type IdintegerNoEnum type of how the preference is displayed
Value IdintegerValuesYes
Value N IDintegerValues NYes
Locale DescriptionstringLocaleNoDescription of the Attribute
Locale NamestringLocaleNoName of the Role (must be unique)
Locale Language IdintegerLocaleNoLanguage ID for the language in which this value appears; use 0 if it is not localized (externalId resolvable)
Locale N DescriptionstringLocale NNoDescription of the Attribute
Locale N NamestringLocale NNoName of the Role (must be unique)
Locale N Language IdintegerLocale NNoLanguage ID for the language in which this value appears; use 0 if it is not localized (externalId resolvable)