File Format - Employee

Employee File Format

The first line of an Employee CSV file must be the header row.

An employee instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. Data relating to fields specified under Base Headers and Multi-Column Headers must be specified in the first row of an employee instance. Additional rows of an employee instance may only include fields specified under Multi-Row Headers.


The following table shows the accepted CSV columns for the employees entity. Note that any columns including N denote a dynamic integer. A column specified as Field N signifies that you can use columns Field 1, Field 2, …, Field N to allow for multiple values per record of the given field, similar to an array.

CSV HeaderData TypeGroupRequiredDescription
Store IDstringYesID of the Store to which the Employee belongs (externalId resolvable)
Display NamestringYesEmployee’s display name to use in the Tulip Retail App
Mobile NumberstringNoEmployee’s mobile phone number (using E164 format)
First NamestringNoEmployee’s first/given name
Last NamestringNoEmployee’s last/family name
ImagestringNoURL of the Employee to be uploaded into the Tulip Platform
Employee IDstringYesExternal identifier of the record
EmailstringNoEmployee’s email address
DisabledbooleanNoWhether or not the Employee is disabled in the Tulip Platform
Localized Job TitlestringLocalized DataNoDescription of the Employee Job Title
Localized Language IDintegerORstringLocalized DataNoID of the Language in which the record appears (externalId resolvable)
Localized Job Title NstringLocalized Data NNoDescription of the Employee Job Title
Localized Language ID NintegerORstringLocalized Data NNoID of the Language in which the record appears (externalId resolvable)
Custom Attribute IDstringAttribute ValuesNoAttribute to be used as key in the key/value pair (externalId resolvable)
Custom Attribute ValuestringAttribute ValuesNoValue to appear in this key/value pair
Custom Attribute Language IDintegerORstringAttribute ValuesNoLanguage ID for the language in which this value appears; use 0 if it is not localized (externalId resolvable)
Custom Attribute N IDstringAttribute Values NNo
Custom Attribute N ValuestringAttribute Values NNo
Custom Attribute N Language IDintegerORstringAttribute Values NNo
Authorized User UsernamestringAuth UserYesUsername for logging in as this Auth User (must be unique)
Authorized User DisabledbooleanAuth UserNoWhether or not this Auth User is disabled
Authorized User PasswordstringAuth UserYesPassword for logging in as this Auth User (must be at least 3 characters)
Authorized User Role IDintegerORstringAuth User RolesNoArray of EmployeeRole IDs that the Employee has
Authorized User Role ID NintegerORstringAuth User Roles NNoArray of EmployeeRole IDs that the Employee has
SAML Name IDstringNo

Note: If in two or more sequential rows Store ID, Display Name, and Employee ID are not the same, each row will be considered and processed as different employees. All three must be the same throughout multiple rows in order to ensure they are treated as one employee instance.

Note: If no mobile number is provided but exists in Tulip for the employee already, then the mobile number will NOT be erased. You are not able to unassign a mobile number for an employee through File Importer. You are able manage the employee mobile number via Admin Console.


A group is a class of headers that relate to one another. Groups may allow for multiple pieces of information to be presented. For example, a customer can have multiple emails, addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Authorized User (Required)

An Authorized User includes four headers, two of which are required if an authorized user is specified. Three of these headers are similar to Base Fields in nature, in that they may only be specified once in the first row of a new employee instance. However, there are two ways of formatting the fourth row: using a Multi-Row Approach, or a Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one column header is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, one column header may be used many times alongside one row (the first row) of an employee instance. To use this column multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for each new column.

These three columns may only be specified once for an Authorized User:

Column NameDescriptionType
Authorized User Username (Required)Username for the authorized user.
This is required if an authorized user is specified
Authorized User Password (Required)DO NOT SEND PASSWORDS. Send a blank for this value.
Passwords can be reset via Tulip Self-Serve Tools.
Authorized User Disabled (Required)Whether or not the authorized user is disabled. Send False when the user should be allowed to login.boolean

This is the fourth column, which may use a Multi-Row Approach, or a Multi-Column Approach:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Authorized User Role IDAuthorized User Role ID NInternal Role IDs associated with
the authorized user. 1 - Associate and 2 - Manager

Where N is some positive integer

Localized Data (Optional)

There are two ways that localized data can be formatted in your CSV file: A Multi-Row Approach or Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one set of column headers is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, multiple sets of column headers may be used alongside one row (the first row) of an employee instance. To use these columns multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for every new set of columns.

Columns from the Multi-Row Approach cannot be mixed with columns from the Multi-Column Approach in a CSV file for the Localized Data group.

The following columns may be included:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Localized Job TitleLocalized Job Title NDescription of the employee job title localized to the specified languagestring
Localized Language IDLocalized Language ID NID of the language in which the record appears.
Integers will be resolved to internal identifiers
integer, string

Where N is some positive integer.

Custom Attributes (Optional)

There are two ways that custom attributes can be formatted in your CSV file: A Multi-Row Approach or Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one set of column headers is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, multiple sets of column headers may be used alongside one row (the first row) of an employee instance. To use these columns multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for every new set of columns.

Columns from the Multi-Row Approach cannot be mixed with columns from the Multi-Column Approach in a CSV file for the Custom Attributes group.

The following columns may be included:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Custom Attribute IDCustom Attribute N IDIdentifier of the custom attributestring
Custom Attribute ValueCustom Attribute N ValueValue of the attributestring
Custom Attribute Language IDCustom Attribute N Language IDLanguage of the attribute.
Integers will be resolved to internal identifiers
integer, string

Where N is some positive integer.

Employee CSV Example

See the following Employee CSV sample file.

Employee Sample 1