File Format - Item Option Type

Item Option-Type File Format

The first line of an Option Type CSV file must be the header row.

An option type instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. The first row of an option type instance must include fields specified under Base Headers and Multi-Column Headers. Additional rows of an option type instance may only include fields specified under Multi-Row Headers.

Required Headers

To successfully import an option type CSV file, the following columns must be included in the header row.

Column NameDescriptionType
Option Type ID (Required)*Identification string for an option type.
Must be unique for each product
Display Style(Required)*How the option type should be displayed on the app (‘text’, ‘color’, etc..)string
Sort OrderSort order of the option typeinteger


A group is a class of headers that relate to one another, and may allow for multiple pieces of information to be presented. For example, a customer can have multiple emails, addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Option type groups include:

Localized Data

There are two ways that localized data can be formatted in your CSV file: A Multi-Row Approach or Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one set of column headers is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, multiple sets of column headers may be used alongside one row (the first row) of an option type instance. To use these columns multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for every new set of columns.

Columns from the Multi-Row Approach cannot be mixed with columns from the Multi-Column Approach in a CSV file for the Localized Data group.

The following columns may be included:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Localized Presentation(Required)*Localized Presentation NActual text displayed for the option type localized to the specified languagestring
Localized Language ID(Required)*Localized Language ID NID of the language in which the record appears.
Integers will be resolved to internal identifiers
integer, string
Localized Name(Required)*Localized Name NName of the option type localized to the specified languagestring

Where N is some positive integer.

Custom Attributes

There are two ways that custom attributes can be formatted in your CSV file: A Multi-Row Approach or Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one set of column headers is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, multiple sets of column headers may be used alongside one row (the first row) of an option type instance. To use these columns multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for every new set of columns.

Columns from the Multi-Row Approach cannot be mixed with columns from the Multi-Column Approach in a CSV file for the Custom Attributes group.

The following columns may be included:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Custom Attribute IDCustom Attribute N IDIdentifier of the custom attributestring
Custom Attribute ValueCustom Attribute N ValueValue of the attributestring
Custom Attribute Language IDCustom Attribute N Language IDLanguage of the attribute.
Integers will be resolved to internal identifiers
integer, string

Where N is some positive integer

Option Types CSV Example

See the following two Option Type CSV sample file.

Option Type Sample 1