File Format - Store / Store Patch

Store File Format

The first line of a Store CSV file must be the header row.

A store instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. Data relating to fields specified under Base Headers and Multi-Column Headers must be specified in the first row of a store instance. Additional rows of a store instance may only include fields specified under Multi-Row Headers.

Store Patch File Format

The Store Patch file allows users to PATCH partial data for a given store. This means that the integrator does not need to populate every field in the .csv to update a single field. If an integrator wants to remove / set a field as NULL or empty string in Tulip, they can simply provide the string ‘SET_AS_NULL" in the appropriate field and that field will be emptied.

The store patch file format is the same as the Store File format and all rules should be followed when providing a Store Patch file.


The following table shows the accepted CSV columns for the stores entity. Note that any columns including N denote a dynamic integer. A column specified as Field N signifies that you can use columns Field 1, Field 2, …, Field N to allow for multiple values per record of the given field, similar to an array.

CSV HeaderData TypeGroupRequiredDescription
Store IDstringYesExternal identifier of the record
AddressstringNoStreet number and address of the Store
CitystringNoCity in which the Store is located
Country IDintegerORstringYesID of the Country in which the Store is located (externalId resolvable)
DisabledbooleanNoWhether or not the Store is disabled
EmailstringNoEmail address associated with the Store
LatitudenumberNoLatitude of the Store’s location (between -90 and 90 inclusive; decimal precision: 6)
LongitudenumberNoLongitude of the Store’s location (between -180 and 180 inclusive; decimal precision: 6)
Store NamestringNoName of the Store
Phone NumberstringNoPhone number associated with the Store (using E164 format)
PostcodestringNoPostal code of the Store
Runner SupportedbooleanNoWhether or not the Store supports the Tulip Runner app
Zone IDintegerORstringNoID of the Zone in which the Store is located (externalId resolvable)
Online Store IdintegerORstringNo
Online Store External IdstringNo
Monday OpenstringMondayNo
Monday ClosestringMondayNo
Tuesday OpenstringTuesdayNo
Tuesday ClosestringTuesdayNo
Wednesday OpenstringWednesdayNo
Wednesday ClosestringWednesdayNo
Thursday OpenstringThursdayNo
Thursday ClosestringThursdayNo
Friday OpenstringFridayNo
Friday ClosestringFridayNo
Saturday OpenstringSaturdayNo
Saturday ClosestringSaturdayNo
Sunday OpenstringSundayNo
Sunday ClosestringSundayNo
Custom Attribute IDstringAttribute ValuesNoAttribute to be used as key in the key/value pair (externalId resolvable)
Custom Attribute ValuestringAttribute ValuesNoValue to appear in this key/value pair
Custom Attribute Language IDintegerORstringAttribute ValuesNoLanguage ID for the language in which this value appears; use 0 if it is not localized (externalId resolvable)
Custom Attribute N IDstringAttribute Values NNo
Custom Attribute N ValuestringAttribute Values NNo
Custom Attribute N Language IDintegerORstringAttribute Values NNo
LiveConnect SupportedbooleanNoWhether or not the Store supports the Live Connect App
Mobile PhonestringNo
Catalog NintegerORstringCatalogs NNoArray of catalog IDs of Store (externalId resolvable)
Receipt Language IDintegerORstringNo
Receipt Language External IDintegerORstringNo
Privacy RegionsstringPrivacy RegionsNo
Privacy Regions NstringPrivacy RegionsNo
Tax DivisionstringNo
Tax Provider IdstringNo
Remote Pay Adyen Merchant AccountstringNo
Chat SourcestringNo


A group is a class of headers that relate to one another, and may allow for multiple pieces of information to be presented. For example, a customer can have multiple emails, addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Custom Attributes

There are two ways that custom attributes can be formatted in your CSV file: A Multi-Row Approach or Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one set of column headers is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, multiple sets of column headers may be used alongside one row (the first row) of a store instance. To use these columns multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for every new set of columns.

Columns from the Multi-Row Approach cannot be mixed with columns from the Multi-Column Approach in a CSV file for the Custom Attributes group.

The following columns may be included:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Customer Attribute IDCustom Attribute N IDIdentifier of the custom attributestring
Custom Attribute ValueCustom Attribute N ValueValue of the attributestring
Custom Attribute Language IDCustom Attribute N Language IDLanguage of the attribute.
Integers will be resolved to internal identifiers
integer, string

Where N is some positive integer.

Privacy Regions

There are two ways that privacy regions can be formatted in your CSV file: A Multi-Row Approach or Multi-Column Approach.

Multi-Row Approach

In this approach, one set of column headers is used alongside multiple rows of data. To allow for multiple rows of data, additional rows must include the same Required Headers fields.

Multi-Column Approach

In this approach, multiple sets of column headers may be used alongside one row (the first row) of a store instance. To use these columns multiple times, an identifying number must exist for N and be unique for every new set of columns.

Columns from the Multi-Row Approach cannot be mixed with columns from the Multi-Column Approach in a CSV file for the Custom Attributes group.

The following columns may be included:

Multi-Row Approach
Column Name
Multi-Column Approach
Column Name
Privacy RegionsPrivacy Regions NPrivacy region associated to the storestring, integer

Where N is some positive integer.

Store CSV Example

See the following Store CSV sample file.

Store Sample 1