File Format - Task

Task File Format

The first line of a Task CSV file must be the header row.

A task instance is a group of rows in the CSV file that are sequential and include the same required fields. Data relating to fields specified under Required Headers.

Required Headers

To successfully import a task CSV file, the following columns that must be included in the header row.

Column NameDescriptionType
Task ID(Required)*Unique identifier for the Taskstring
Title(Required)*Title of the Taskstring
DescriptionDescription of the Taskstring
Status(Required)*Current status of the Task. One of the following: ACTIVE,IGNORED, COMPLETED,INACTIVEstring
Tag(Required)*Type of follow-up associated with the Taskstring
Task Type(Required)*Type of Task. Always set to: FOLLOWUP to render in app.string
Task Type IDID of the Task type.integer,string
Due Date(Required)*Date and time the Task is due.(Z-normalized RFC3339 format)string
Customer ID (Required)*External ID of the Customer associated with this Task.string
Created By IDExternal ID of the Employee who created the Task.string
Assigned By IDExternal ID of the Employee who assigned the Task.string
Assigned Employee IDExternal ID of the employee to whom this Task is assigned.string
Store IDExternal ID of the store to which this Task belongs.string

Task CSV Example

See the following Task CSV sample files.

Task Sample 1