Events Overview

What are events?

Events are generated by some Tulip resources when certain actions are executed, such as the creation and update of a customer. When an event occurs in Tulip, we create a new event object (see below). The event object contains important information about the event that occurred:

Example event object

  "uuid" : "03a4eabd-2551-41d9-9828-e105b1eb5cf5",
  "subscription": "1fec24e8-f02c-4ff6-a1a5-37bbdac42b1b",
  "eventType": "customerCreate",
  "resource": {
    "uuid": "05c443ae-3edf-42e1-b4f9-f5a819252c0e",
  "source": "TULIP-APP",

uuid - unique Tulip identifier of the event that occurred

subscription - unique Tulip identifier of the subscription associated with this event

createdAt - date and time the event occurred in Z-normalized RFC3339 format

eventType - type of event. See Supported Events section below for possible values

resourceType - the Tulip entity type associated with this event

resource - an object containing unique identifiers of the resource that was created or updated in Tulip.

source - the source which generated this event. Possible values: TULIP_APP , TULIP_API.

Supported Events

The following events are supported for webhook subscription:

Event Type valueDescription
customerCreateCreated Customer in Tulip
customerUpdateUpdated Customer in Tulip
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