Events Overview

What are events?

Events are generated by some Tulip resources when certain actions are executed, such as the creation and update of a customer. When an event occurs in Tulip, we create a new event object (see below). The event object contains important information about the event that occurred:

Example event object

  "uuid" : "03a4eabd-2551-41d9-9828-e105b1eb5cf5",
  "subscription": "1fec24e8-f02c-4ff6-a1a5-37bbdac42b1b",
  "eventType": "customerCreate",
  "resource": {
    "uuid": "05c443ae-3edf-42e1-b4f9-f5a819252c0e",
  "source": "TULIP-APP",
uuidunique Tulip identifier of the event that occurred
subscriptionunique Tulip identifier of the subscription associated with this event
createdAtdate and time the event occurred in Z-normalized RFC3339 format
eventTypetype of event. See Supported Events section below for possible values
resourceTypethe Tulip entity type associated with this event
resourcean object containing unique identifiers of the resource that was created or updated in Tulip.
sourcethe source which generated this event. Possible values: TULIP_APP , TULIP_API.

Fetching Data From Tulip

Once an event is received by the subscriber, the latest data should be fetched via API from the Tulip environment. The table below describes when an event is fired, and what API to use to fetch the latest data. You can use either the resource.uuid or the resource.externalId as the identifier when performing the lookup via API.

Supported Events

Event TypeDescriptionAPI to Fetch Affected Resource
customerCreateA customer is created via API or Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/customers/{id}
customerUpdateA customer is updated via API or Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/customers/{id}
customerNoteCreateA customer note is created via API or Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/customerNotes/{id}
customerNoteUpdateA customer note is updated via API or Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/customerNotes/{id}
customerNoteDeleteA customer note is deleted via API or Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/customerNotes/{id}
orderCreateAn order is created in the Tulip Application/api/{version}/oms/orders/{id}
orderLineItemInsteanceUpdateAn order line item is updated in the Tulip Application/api/{version}/oms/orders/{id}
taskCreateA task is created in the Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/followupTasks/{id}
taskDeleteA task is deleted in the Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/followupTasks/{id}
taskUpdateA task is updated in the Tulip Application/api/{version}/crm/followupTasks/{id}