Subscribing to events

Webhooks are a useful way to receive real-time information about events that occur in an external system. In order to receive webhook notifications, you need to subscribe to the events that you are interested in.

The following steps describe how to subscribe to events using the Tulip Admin Console.

Managing webhook subscriptions

  1. Log into your Tulip Admin Console
  2. Go to: Integrations→Webhook Subscriptions menu item on the left-hand side panel. This page will list all webhook subscriptions for your Tulip environment and allow you to create, modify, enable/disable subscriptions.

Creating a new webhook subscription

  1. To create a new subscription, click on the Create New Webhook button on the top right corner of the page. You will be asked to enter the following information:
    1. Toggle Is Active to ON to activate your subscription.
    2. Enter the url to which event data will be posted. Note: Ensure that this URL is ready to receive post requests from Tulip and respond appropriately to ensure proper behaviour.
    3. Select the event type from the dropdown menu which will trigger this webhook in Tulip.
    4. Select Authentication Method. Note: Please ensure that webhook URL endpoint is configured to accept the auth method that you have setup in this subscription. Read more about Authentication and Security.
      1. None
      2. Basic Authentication (user:password)
        • username and password fields will be required.
      3. Bearer
        • Bearer Token field will be required.
    5. Click Save.

Modifying an existing webhook subscription

  1. To modify existing subscription(s), click on the kebab menu under Actions.
  2. Click Update.
  3. After editing the details of the webhook subscription, make sure to click Save.