Mobile App

Mobile App Framework

Tulip uses a mobile-first architecture and framework that is optimized for developing and running native apps on mobile devices.

Tulip’s Mobile App Framework is the native iOS application code which includes login, dynamic configuration, branding support, and a number of configurable modules that can be assembled to meet a client’s specific needs. The framework makes it easy to extend the application with new modules, or to inject custom functionality into the existing modules.

Mobile-First Cloud Architecture

There are several key implications of a mobile-first cloud architecture. A mobile-first cloud serves up data quickly so that the mobile GUI performs well.

Next generation protocols, like protobuf over HTTP2, ensure that network bottlenecks are reduced and performance is improved. Every aspect of Tulip Cloud is designed in a way that a mobile device can access and navigate the data quickly and securely. Tulip is designed to handle poor bandwidth as well.

Tulip develops user interfaces natively for iOS, and, as a result, Tulip designs beautiful, engaging apps that radiate power and offer simplicity. Tulip adheres to Apple’s iOS Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and focuses on three primary interface themes:

  • Clarity - Throughout the system, text is legible at every size, icons are precise and lucid, adornments are subtle and appropriate, and a sharpened focus on functionality motivates the interface design. Negative space, color, fonts, graphics, and interface elements subtly highlight important content and convey interactivity.

  • Deference - Fluid motion and a crisp, beautiful interface help people understand and interact with the content. Details typically fill the entire screen, while translucency and blurring often hint at more. Minimal use of bezels, gradients, and drop shadows keep the interface light and airy, while ensuring that content is paramount.

  • Depth - Distinct visual layers and realistic motion convey hierarchy, impart vitality, and facilitate understanding. Touch and discoverability heighten delight and enable access to functionality and additional content without losing context. Transitions provide a sense of depth as you navigate through the content.

Native Mobile app Framework Designed for Extensibility

Tulip Mobile Application Framework follows Apple’s standard way of building mobile apps, and offers the following key components:

  • A base iOS application for store associates and managers
  • Dynamic configuration of the UI
  • Support for third-party hardware integrations
  • Shared-device login and password reset support
  • White labeling support for custom branding
  • Extensibility for custom modules